In such a quiet environment, a sudden cell phone ring, Su Mian was shocked. She stood up and dropped her bag on her leg.

K smiled and reached out to help her pick up her bag.

Su Mian took the bag and said thank you.

She took out the mobile phone in her bag, and just when it was connected, she heard the wailing of winter and winter there.

"BAABAA! Are you going to leave your husband and son? Did dad do something that I'm sorry for you, and you forget his lovely, charming and considerate children's paper? "

“…… Ah, Dongdong, are you out of school Su Mianmian takes the mobile phone away from her ear.

"BAABAA, you really don't love me! I haven't been to school lately... " Winter said wrongly.

Yes, Dongdong is looking for a new school recently.

Su Mian felt guilty for a while, she said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Dongdong."

Dongdong proudly snorted and said, "I just say sorry, but I don't accept it. I want you to come back and pacify my injured little heart... "

"I'm sorry, Dongdong." Su Mian sighed and said, "I don't want to go back now..."

"Then when will you be back? Can you go home at six in the evening? It's on at six o'clock. Honey, I want to watch it with you... "

Su Mian is silent. She really doesn't want to lie to Dongdong.

"BAABAA, not too much! If you think it's too early at six, you'll be back at eight at most! I'll go to bed later... "

"Winter and winter, I..."

"Eat first." K moves a bowl of noodles to Su Mian.

The winter winter over there pricked up his ears, and he asked angrily, "Baa Baa, who is the dog man beside you?"

“……” Su Mian looks at "Dog Man" K and starts to eat with a big mouth. He is slightly sad.

It seems that words used in winter can't be changed in this life.

"Eh, Baa Baa, what's that sound? You talk! "

"Honey, you'll see a mess later. I have something here. Hang up first." Su Mian hangs up the phone.

The other side.

Dongdong took the phone, looked at huoting with a face of iron and green, and said meanly.

"Daddy, you can't even see your wife."

Huo Ting looked at the winter winter which was in need of beating, stretched out his fingers and said impatiently.

"Son of a bitch, don't talk nonsense. Have you found a place?"

If Dongdong didn't say that he had a way to find the position of the little sheep, he wouldn't let him talk with the little sheep.

"What's more, I'm not sure Of course. " Dong Dong moves the position of the monitor to show Huo ting.

He pointed to one of the little red dots and said, "here it is."

Huoting takes a look, turns around and goes out. He wants to tie his wife No, it's back.

Dongdong saw that he left so crisply. He jumped down from his chair and shouted, "Daddy, I'll follow you!"

But where his little short legs chased Huo Ting, Huo Ting was long gone.

He tooted his mouth, and the face of the bun was bulging. He was angry and patted the cylinder robot, saying, "Oh, daddy is really, he kicked it off after using his own children's paper. I also want to watch it with you..."

After a while, he began to talk to himself.

"BAABAA there is a dog man over there. Do you want me to call her to remind her to hide the dog man first?"
