K finished a bowl of noodles, saw Su Mianmian still in a daze, reached out and waved in front of her, asked, "Hey, are you ok?"

Su Mian turned to look at him and said solemnly, "I always have an ominous premonition."

"Don't think about it. Eat it quickly. It's not the same when it's cold..." K picked up his eyebrows and said, "if you have something to finish, it's not that short of time."

"All right." Su Mian thinks about it.

Seeing Su Mian's head bowed to eat, K whispered, "I picked all the monitors on you."

"What did you say? What did you pick? " Su Mian looks up doubtfully.

K smiled and replied, "I said, these dishes are all grown by the shop itself. Now they are picked and fried first. Is the taste very good?"

Su Mian chewed twice, but did not taste any difference.

She said honestly, "maybe I'm not a foodie."

That's the only way to explain it!

“……” K is a little speechless. He doesn't want to talk to her for the moment.

So the two of them concentrated on eating.

It has to be said that the stores introduced by K, although the style is a little weird, are all first-class and good in taste.

Su Mianmian thought that she could not finish so much, but she could eat it. The food had been solved. She also ate more than usual.

She wiped her mouth and said with emotion, "if you eat like this every meal, you will be fat."

K smell speech, shake head smile way, "no, I eat so much every meal, also did not see me fat."

"You are a foodie! Don't you know that one of the characteristics of eating is that you can't eat fat? "

“……” K replied, "I don't know."

Su Mian smiled and said sincerely, "so you have something you don't know..."

Every time k came out, she was in trouble and let her ignore it. In fact, he was smaller than himself.

"What's so strange about that?" K reached for Su's long head.

Su Mian is not willing to. She dodges. She grabs his hand and says, "K, I'm bigger than you!" How can I rub her head?!

K smiled softly. Su Mian was a little embarrassed to see him like this. When he was about to explain, he suddenly stood up.

"What's the matter?" Su Mian looked up in the direction he was looking at.

But I didn't see anything.

She was feeling strange when she heard a roar in the air.

She looked up again and this time saw a helicopter coming this way.


Su Mian opened her eyes in shock.

If you are not mistaken, the helicopter is coming from this direction, right?!

The lower the plane goes

"My God! Does it want to land here Su Mian held her head in panic.

K narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and took Su Mian's hand to the pavilion.

After su Mianmian is sure that this side is safe, she gasps slightly and says angrily, "who is this? Will you fly a plane? Haven't you seen anyone here? "

K looked at her with a particularly delicate look and said, "he did it on purpose."

"Intentional?!" Su Mian was more angry, and she said, "it's just disgusting! I'm going to see who it is! "

With that, she walked forward.

“……” K. I really don't know what to return.

A moment later, the helicopter destroyed a large area of flowers and landed successfully.

The door opened, and Huo Ting's face came out of it.