Su Mian holds Dongdong in her arms and gently pat him on the back.

In winter, when I cry, I can hardly breathe.

This is the most sad time Su Mian has cried since she met him.

Although it's heartache in winter, it's wrong to do something wrong!

He has to apologize to K!

But, alas

Dongdong cried, and she began to suffer.

"K, I'm sorry. The biscuit he gave you in winter has Croton powder on it, so you have diarrhea." Su Mianmian said apologetically, "I'm really sorry."

"Oh, it's OK, I know." K came in, made it back into the chair, and looked at the remaining biscuits in the plate with his eyes burning.

"You know?" Su Mian was shocked.

Dongdong doesn't cry anymore. She looks at K from Su's arms.

K nodded and smiled back. "There's no need for children to cry because of this. I know it's Croton powder."

"Why do you want to eat if you know?" Su Mian doesn't understand.

"Because it's delicious." K serious way back.

“……” Su Mianmian feels that he really can't understand the world of food.

Dongdong blinked, thinking that this person's brain didn't look very good.

K's eyes finally moved away from the delicious plate of biscuits. He looked at Dong Dong with a kind of regret and expectation. He asked with a smile, "it's a pity that these pieces were thrown away. Little friend, can you help me bring another plate of biscuits in? It's still twenty dollars. "

Even the number is clear!

Dongdong nods stiffly, then climbs down from Su Mian's body, picks up the plate, and goes out to get the dessert.

He felt that, with this man's intelligence, he thought of a way to deal with him!

You don't have to risk being spanked.

Alas, it's a long time since he cried so loudly. His throat is dry. He's going to have a glass of juice and then pick up the biscuit by the way.

Su Mian smacks his tongue and watches the magical development of the plot.

"Well, before the delicious biscuits arrive, let's continue with the questions just now." K turns serious.

“……” Food, she thought, was really one of the most terrible creatures in the world.


K comes to Su Mian every day after school.

For several days, Dongdong silently observed the two men, and found that they were really learning and would not elope together, so they relaxed the rhythm of marking people.

Since he heard K calling for Su Mian's sister and knew that they were brothers and sisters, he had no hostility.

Even very intimate call K for the little uncle.

"Little uncle, I'd like you to help me, don't you know?" Dongdong's hands are clasped together.

"No way." K smiles and refuses directly.

"Don't do that, at least listen to my request." Dongdong's tail is flattered.

"Then tell me." K holds his chest in both hands.

"Well, I have an appointment with a female netizen tomorrow. Can you pretend that you are me and meet her?"

When he finished, K rejected him again.


It's so cruel!

Dongdong's tears are going to fall. He wiped his eyes and said, "please, brother-in-law, that's my wife. We are going to break up this time. I don't want to harm other girls!"

When Su Mian heard this, he couldn't help jumping out and saying, "Dongdong, do you even fall in love early?"

How old is he?! Break up with other girls?!