"BAABAA, listen to me first. Things are not what you think."

"In winter, you can't help it! It's going to be a bad kid! I'm in love now. I'll fight, smoke, drink or not go home in no time! "

Su Mian shook her head painfully. She said, "I'm going to call my uncle. His son's paper is going to be broken. He's outside. Don't come back?"

Uncle, there is something urgent about the business in northern Europe to deal with.

"BAABAA, listen to me first!" Dongdong hugs Su's thigh.

Su Mianmian put down her hand and looked at him and said, "I'll give you ten minutes to explain."

Dongdong looks at Su Mian, who is going to blow fire at him, and wonders how likely it is to be spanked.

But let's do it.

There seems to be no way to solve the dishonesty.

Su Mianmian ignores Dong Dong's cute behavior this time, and puts out his hand and pinches him fiercely in the face of the baozi he shows his kindness to.

This time, she was really angry.

The winter pain of QAQ

In fact, strictly speaking, it can't blame Dongdong.

A lot of things on the Internet are virtual, not only age, but also gender. The girl out of order

and the winter love girl also make complaints about the man. At the beginning, the two men played games together, and winter and winter were not so good. When the time was so good, she was in a mess with her.

As a result, I don't know what happened.

My sister confessed to him.

At the beginning, Dongdong didn't care. Until the whole guild said that Dongdong couldn't jump out and say that he was a man. Unless the gang leader is a woman, he is not interested in stir Ji.

As a result, the guild leader said, that's just right.

She's a girl!

All of a sudden, the whole person is not good in winter and winter.

And what's worse!

My sister said that she took a plane to s city. She must meet Dongdong.

“……” After su Mian listened, he didn't know what to say about winter!

"What did she come to you for? Don't you want to elope

Winter and winter down the head, helplessly said.

"I don't know what a creature like a woman thinks."

Su Mian felt that he was in need of beating. She couldn't help reaching out and pinching his face.

"Sorry! I'm a woman, too. "

Winter of tearful cover the face, back a step, this just opens to say.

"I just want to say goodbye to her when I meet her. I don't want to be the wife of the gang leader. Let her go home quickly."

"Dongdong, do you know how old she is?" Su Mianmian asked a very important question.

"She showed me her student ID, thirteen."

A 13-year-old girl didn't know how to get here by plane.

Do my family know

Su Mian thinks about it, and thinks that the first time she sees her sister is to inform her family, right?

"And..." Dongdong said in a slightly awkward way, "when I chatted with her online, I used the photos of my uncle, so Da, my uncle has to explain to her for me..."

“…… When did you take it? " K's personality is not the kind of person who can take pictures at will.

"I used two cans of biscuits, and my uncle took them at will..."

“……” Food or something Cry.

She thought K would be sold for food one day.

"Hey, have you settled?" K saw after two people finish saying, calmly replied, "I thought about it, I still want to refuse the request of the children."