"Young man, you think too much." Su Mian never knew that his imagination was so rich.

Su Zheyu's face was obviously disbelieving. He said, "you just accidentally let slip, now don't try to cheat me!"

“……” Su's cotton has been unable to make complaints about the slot.

"Can't you say something?!" Cried Su Zheyu.

"What you said just now is a bluff." Su Mian said feebly, "don't take it seriously!"

"Do you think I will believe you now? You can't help but see my IQ! " He groaned.

“……” Su Mian just wanted to throw him out.

The annoying brother is always annoying!

Su Zheyu sees Su Mian turning around and wants to leave. He can't help but cry out, "ahhh! Where are you going, Su Mian? "

Su Mian slowly replied, "since you don't want to go back, you can stay here."

Anyway, there's only one more person to eat. Uncle can afford it.

Maybe if he wakes up after a sleep, he will change back to K.

This is what Su Mian wants most.

"Who said I would not go back! I want to go home! My homework is at home! "

"What do you want?" Su Mian has been ignited by him.

Su Zheyu thought for a moment and said, "you can send me back in person. If you send it to me, I think my safety index will be higher... "

“……” What kind of divine logic is this?!

Su Mian felt that he had lost his temper.

She made a call back to Sue's house.

She has never called home since she broke up with suvizer at school last time.

Of course, if it wasn't for her to do anything, the Su family wouldn't call her.

Sophie answered the phone.

"You said Little brother is on your side? " Sophie's voice was shocked.

Su Mianmian thought it was a little strange, but he didn't say much.

"Well, I'll take him back later." Su Mian thought for a moment and asked, "is father at home?"

She will ask, but also afraid, if suvizer is at home, I don't know if there will be any conflict.

Although her guardian has changed her uncle now, it's hard to give up her blood ties. It's not that Su Mianmian still has some illusions.

But she was afraid of suvizer, so she would try not to see him if she could avoid it.

Su Feifei over there smiled softly and said, "my father's hand is hurt. Mommy accompanied him to go abroad for treatment. Su Mian, don't you know?"

Su Mianmian wants to go back. Why does she want to know?!

"Let's do that first. I will send Su Zheyu back later." With that, she hung up.

Su Zhe Yu sees her to hang up the phone, then can't wait to urge a way, "Su Mian, let's go quickly."

Su Mian sips the corner of her mouth and turns to go out.


Along the way, Su Zheyu huddled in a corner of the car, staring at the outside scenery with big eyes. After confirming that it was really the way home, he was relieved.

Su Mian speechless in the heart of the silent rolling eyes.

The car soon arrived at Su's house. To Su Mian's surprise, Su Feifei stood outside the door waiting for them.

As soon as Su Zheyu got home, he couldn't wait to open the door before the car stopped.

"Sister, I'm back!"

Su Feifei glanced at Su Zheyu from top to bottom and said, "go ahead, I have something to say to Mianmian."