Su Mian doesn't feel that she has anything to talk with. When she wants to refuse, she listens to her again.

"You left in a hurry. There are many things in your family. Take it with you this time. "

Some old things really have nothing to remember. What she cares about is the photos taken with her mother.

Su Mian said to the driver, "wait for me here."

"Yes, ma'am."

Su Feifei squints her eyes slightly and looks at Su Mian talking to the driver. She secretly clenches her fists and is angry.

It should be her! It's so cheap. Su Mian is such a bitch!

Su Mian gets out of the car and walks into Su Feifei, only to find that she has lost a lot of weight.

Last time I saw Sophie, she was a little plump.

This time I saw her, but I found that she not only lost a lot of weight, but also her face was not very good, very pale.

However, we can talk about the relationship between the two people if they don't care about it.

Su Mian walked into Su's house. Although it was only a few months later, he felt that he had gone for a long time.

Before, for her, the Su family was so depressed that she couldn't breathe, but I don't know if there was a relationship between uncle and Dongdong.

This will, she looked at these are not the past uncomfortable.

She thought, in another two months, after the college entrance examination, she took back what her mother left her, maybe she could let go of that little resentment in her heart?

"Sit down." Sufeifei smiled and poured a cup of tea for Sumian, saying, "I'll go up and take your things down."

It's probably the most peaceful time they've been together in more than a decade.

Su Mian nodded, looked at the dessert and black tea on the table, and took a sip of the cup.

It's just a cup of tea. Su Mian feels that he suddenly has no strength. He can't hold the tea cup stably. He falls off with a snap and makes a clear sound.

After seeing her drinking tea, Sophie slowly walked down the stairs and said, "Su Mian, do you know?"

Su Mian frowns tightly, she still has what don't understand!

This cup of tea has been drugged!

"Sophie, you dare to give me medicine! The driver is still waiting for me! "

Sophie laughed. The whole person was a little crazy.

"I'm not afraid to die! Are you still afraid of your driver? "

"What do you mean by that?"

Su Feifei approaches Su Mian step by step. She reaches out and grabs her long hair. Seeing Su Mian's painful expression, she is very happy.

She said, "you know what? What you have now is mine! I gave it to you! Would you have met him if I hadn't gone? "

Su Mian tight mouth, do not want to cry in front of her pain.

"But what did you do to me? Don't you just give me some blood? You don't want to! Su Mian, you are so selfish! "

Su Mian thinks she is too unreasonable!

Why do I have to give her a blood transfusion every month?! There is blood in Mingming hospital!

Su Feifei looks at Su Mian's better and better complexion, and she feels speechless hatred.

"If you don't give me blood! You let Huo Shao give up his father's hand! Mummy can only accompany him abroad to cure! Su Mian, do you wish all the people in our Su family were dead? "

Suvizer's hands are broken?!

Su Mian looks at Su Feifei in shock and says, "calm down."