Lei Xiaoxiao couldn't help it. He unbuttoned the suit and showed the pink shirt inside.

"What kind of system!" Leiaotian frowned and said, "besides, can you not wear such a sissy color clothes?"

He really can't understand Lei Xiaoxiao's aesthetic.

How can a big man like these motherly things.

In fact, Lei Xiaoxiao is not ugly. It's just that he is a tough guy. With his muscles all over his body, the children will be frightened to cry at the rhythm in minutes.

But he likes cute clothes. It's too challenging for people around him.

You can imagine a fierce white bear grinning at you

How can I feel more terrible than lovely?

Before, in order to hide his face, he purposely didn't shave his beard. The killing power had to be multiplied by two.

Leixiaoxiao Committee wronged to find a place farthest from leiaotian and sat down and said, "this is the most simple one in my wardrobe."

If he wears small flowers, his brother will beat him to death in minutes!

"If you were not my brother, I would have killed you." Lei Aotian pressed his temples with a headache, and said, "Mom's birthday is coming. When the auction starts, you can buy back the right things."

If he wasn't really good at the girl department, he wouldn't have pulled Lei Xiaoxiao to see it.

Yes, the violence queen of their family is also a teenage mother.

Lei Aotian sometimes doubts that Lei Xiaoxiao's unique aesthetic is inherited from his mother, but his body shape is like that of his father

"Oh, yes, I'll take a close look." Lei Xiaoxiao returns.

This casino has a history of nearly ten years. The owner of the casino has some background in both black and white. In addition, although he runs a casino, there has never been a human life or even a malicious injury. In the words of the owner, it has never happened.

If you want to kill and fight, please stay away from the casino.

Once two gangs had a quarrel in the casino, both sides copied out the guys, and the boss shot them in front of them with a gun, and then.

The two gangs picked up the guy and ran out of the casino.

However, the boss has come out less recently.

Because his interest in starting a casino has decreased, he runs to a milk tea shop.

It's just that although he is out of town, the rules of the casino are still in place, and no fighting can take place in the casino.

They are just businessmen, just to make money.

But the casino is also very expensive, OK?

After several months of income imbalance, the second boss came up with the idea of opening an auction.

He asked his men to collect items from all over the world to come back for auction and earn the difference.

There are always a lot of rich people in the world who are stupid and have lots of money.

Su Mianmian is one of the commodities in this auction.


Su Mian was blindfolded, his hands and feet were handcuffed by a special leather handcuffs, and he was transported to the stage in a cage.

She was wearing a pure white dress. The clothes were not too exposed. After all, the second boss of the casino was a little bit of a virtuous man. He just wanted to sell more money.

But in such an occasion, even if you wear it tightly, it will look like nothing.

The naked eyes of all the men under the stage seemed to pierce Su Mian.

Although Su Mian can't see it, she can hear it. She looks around in fea