In the VIP box, Lei Xiaoxiao is holding the red wine. He is drinking it while watching the TV screen. When he sees a girl appearing on the auction platform, he still tut twice.

He said, "big brother, it's too frugal to do the business of auctioning people here! People with such high sentiments as us can't Poof He sprays the red wine, and the waiter standing in front of him is very unfortunate to be sprayed.

"You've taken out hundreds of thousands of them at random." Lei Aotian despises him so much that he can't even drink red wine well.

Lei Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to such trifles. He pointed to the girl's face on TV and said, "brother, I want to buy her!"

Lei Aotian frowned and said, "you can buy it and play, but..."

"Big brother, I don't play! I know this girl! " Lei Xiaoxiao said anxiously, "her name is Su Mian. She worked in my cake shop before. Do you remember? I called you before... "

"Su Mian?" Lei Aotian is also interested in hearing this. He looks at the girl's face as if it looks like something. He asks, "do you mean she looks like Huo Ting's wife?"

After Lei Xiaoxiao nodded, he suddenly found that this sentence had a malady.

This girl doesn't look like, it's su Mian at all!

"Big brother, she is Su Mian."

Leiaotian looked at him with a smile and said, "you are actually interested in huoting's wife..."

"Big brother, listen to me!" It's over. Brother is not going to hit him?

Leiaotian clapped his shoulder and said, "well done! Dare to peep at other people's wives, and at last did a bad thing. "

”…… "Lei Xiaoxiao is full of cattle and says loudly," brother, I haven't! This man is really Su Mian. "

"How could Huo Ting's wife appear in such a place." Leiaotian still doesn't believe it.

"Big brother, buy it quickly. I beg you! When I borrow money from you, I will pay it back to you later! " Lei Xiaoxiao doesn't bother with Lei Aotian at the moment. Now Su Mian has been auctioned. He has to buy her first.

Lei Aotian looked at Xiao Xiao Xiao, who was so anxious that his face turned red. He felt that he was not interested in watching a bear cry. He reluctantly agreed to his request.

He reached out and pressed a key. When the phone was connected, he said directly, "I'll give you ten million."

Just now the price has been called to three million, but when the price of leiaotian comes out, everyone is quiet.

The excited faces of the second leader are all red. Unexpectedly, they have doubled 20 times and made money!


Su Mian heard the host say, "ten million! It's a deal! "

She was afraid to think of who would spend 10 million yuan to buy a woman, and what would she face next?

She didn't dare to think about it at all, she thought, if she really got there

She would rather die

No way! She can't give up so soon!

If she can be released later, she will go to ask the buyer to call her, as long as she can get in touch with uncle.

He will come to save himself!

Su Mian felt pushed down and moved on. She thought, maybe she was sent to her "buyer".

Time went on, Su's fear deepened a little bit, and then she could not help it, the car stopped.

She heard people talking around her.