Su Mianmian doesn't want to continue talking about this topic. She looks up at Lei Xiaoxiao and asks, "boss, can you lend me a call? I want to get in touch with my family. "

Lei Xiaoxiao shakes his head. He doesn't agree with her.

"Your family has done this to you. Why do you contact them? Waiting to be sold for the second time? "

"No, I I am in touch with my Guardian. " Husband, I can't say anything.

Su Mian's evasive appearance made Lei Xiaoxiao more suspicious of the truth in her words. He sighed and thought that the little girl was scared enough today. He said, "I can't call now. The signal is bad. Let's wait until we get to the shore."

"Landing? Where are we? " Asked Su Mian.

"At sea." Lei Xiaoxiao said, "you don't even know where you are?"

Su Mian nodded and said, "I've been drugged all these days, and I've been confused..."

"Damn it, they did this to you!" Lei Xiaoxiao's sense of justice came out again. He scolded, "I can't even let such a small child go. When we get off the shore, I'll go back and make an anonymous phone call to complain to them."

Su Mian gnawed his teeth and said, "they'll let it go. I'm going back to find Su Feifei!"

Sophie will never let her go when she does this to her.

Go back and she'll call the police!

Lei Xiaoxiao looked at Su Mian and couldn't help but fill in a set of family ethics plot in his mind. He sighed and said.

"You are not easy! I finally understand why you came to work in the shop at that time. "

Su Mian was a little confused by Lei Xiaoxiao's sympathetic eyes. She was just about to say that she didn't have a bad time these years. The door was knocked lightly.

"Come in."

It was the waiter who brought the clothes. There was a shopping mall on the ship. She went directly to the shopping mall to buy them, so it was faster.

"Take her to a room to wash." Lei Xiaoxiao said.

"Come with me, miss." The waiter said and reached out to help Su Mian up.

When Su Mianmian stood up, he found that his hands and feet were a bit numb and he could not stand stably.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Lei Xiaoxiao reached for her arm and asked, "do you want me to hold you?"

Su Mian shook her head. She waved her hands and feet. When the most numb pain left, she smiled and said, "it's OK. I'll go first."

After seeing Su Mian go, Lei Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone and pressed a number, and said, "brother, how is your relationship with Huo Ting now? It's not I didn't look up to his wife Elder brother, can't your idea be pure? " My mind is too dirty.

Of course, at the end of the sentence, he didn't dare to say it in person.

"No, elder brother, I didn't scold you There is no such thing in my heart... "


Su Mian mercilessly washed herself. When she came out, she was all rubbed red by herself.

But I don't know if it's psychological function? She always felt that the smell of disgust was still there.

She dried her hair, looked out of the window, and found that it was dark, only to see the sky dotted with stars in the distance.

How beautiful! She wants to see it clearly.

Su Mianmian wants to open the window, but finds that the windows here are all sealed.

At this moment, she felt deeply that she was on a ship.