Su Mianmian thought that the ship would come ashore soon, but after two days, she was still on the sea.

The sea is vast, as if it can't see the end.

"Boss, how long will it take to get to the shore?" Asked Su Mian.

"Two more days." Lei Xiaoxiao returns.

Su is lost.

These two days she has been obedient stay in the room, unless eating or generally do not go out of the door, she is afraid to bring trouble to the boss.

Then every time we had dinner together, Su Mian would ask Lei Xiaoxiao when the boat could stop.

Lei Xiaoxiao raised his head from the tablet and said, "if you are bored, take this to play. There are many games in it."

Su Mian shook his head and declined his kindness.

Even if she was dull for a few days, she could see that they didn't want to contact uncle by themselves.

What can I do? Su Mian looks at the sky at a sad 45 degree angle

On the other side, Huo Ting's phone finally reached leiaotian's side.

When Lei Aotian received the call, he opened a bottle of 82 year old red wine very happily. He held up the red wine glass gracefully. After hearing Huo Ting's request, he smiled, "Huo Ting, I didn't expect you to ask me too!"

“……” Hoting said coldly, "yes, I beg you."

But his tone did not appeal.

But it doesn't affect leiaotian's good mood.

After a few loud laughs, he said, "three years ago, when I asked you to help me find her, how did you get back to me? Yeah? You deserve it! "

That's right. After his loved one disappeared, when he asked Huo ting for help, Huo Ting only gave him two words, which was deserved.

From then on, Liang Zi of the two was married.

Lei Aotian's sideline is the owner of the casino. He has a stake in the casino. Huo Ting calls. He doesn't know Su Mian is in Lei Aotian's hands. He just wants to use his relationship to help check the underground line.

"Now, I'll give these two words back to you. I deserve it!" Leiaotian sneered and said, "you don't even think about your own women. The good ones are gone. What's your right to say about me?! Tut tut... "

“……” He made a mistake when he called. Hoting hung up.

However, Lei Aotian didn't mind being hung up. He was very happy and called Lei Xiaoxiao again.

"Big brother, why are you laughing so happily (horribly) Lei Xiaoxiao felt a chill on his back.

Since my sister-in-law died, I haven't laughed.

Lei Aotian looked at Lei Xiaoxiao, handed him a notice, and said, "after the U.S., you can take her here."

Lei Xiaoxiao quickly read the letter and looked up and said, "elder brother, you said you would not be embarrassed by Su Mian."

"Did I embarrass her?" Leiaotian raised his eyebrows and said, "don't you need to change it if she owes me 10 million yuan?"

If it wasn't for this brother's constant obstruction, he wouldn't have used this way, even if he didn't intend to do any harm to Su Mianmian, it would have been OK to frighten him.

For example, find a place to close up, just like last time in Yunnan.

Who on earth rescued her last time?

So far, he hasn't found out

"But eldest brother, you let Su Mian learn how to make bread. How many bread does she have to make to earn enough to pay you back?"

It's too hard! It's worthy of his crazy brother's plan!