Professor Qiu? What did he find himself to do?

Su Mianmian asked him for a phone call last time, but he didn't give it. He also talked about a lot of things he didn't have.

She felt a little annoyed with him.

Although Professor Qiu looks very good, especially in the eyes of Westerners, he has profound features and is very handsome. But for Su Mianmian, who is used to seeing handsome men, Professor Qiu's appearance is nothing.

It's not as manly as uncle.

"Don't be dazed. Come with me." JOJO reached for Su Mian's hand and said, "Professor Qiu is looking for someone so anxious for the first time. Maybe if he is in a good mood, we can invite him to dinner."

JOJO is Professor Qiu's number one fan.

But Su Mianmian is not a fan of him. For her, it's not attractive at all, OK?

Compared with this, she is more looking forward to sitting on the Internet.

Su Mianmian is pulled by Hercules, so she has no time to say hello to the fat shop manager.

They came to Professor Qiu's office. Professor Qiu was playing the violin, surrounded by the female students with loving eyes.

Su Mian's face of the black line, JOJO reached for a big pat, said, "all get away from me."

When Professor Qiu heard their voices, the piano stopped and he said with a smile, "would you please close the door for us when you go out?"

Although the female students didn't want to leave, they were afraid of the Hercules and wanted to make a good impression in front of Professor Qiu, so they all left quite simply.

When there were only three people left in the classroom, Professor Qiu smiled at JOJO and said, "would you please go out for a while?"

"Me?" JOJO opened her eyes in shock, pointed to her nose, and said, "do I want to go out, too?"

Professor Qiu nodded with a smile.

JOJO glanced at Su Mian, and her eyes were very sad.

Su Mian took JOJO's hand and said quickly, "JOJO is my good friend. If you have anything, just say it."

Professor Qiu smelt the words and said with a smile, "OK, come here and have a look at this." With that, he clicked on the computer and turned on a video.


This is a news video. It says that the Huo family is looking for the missing young lady. If anyone provides clues, they will pay 100 million yuan.

For this purpose, the TV station also specially made a documentary film to be broadcast in various parts of the country.

Although Su Mian's front photo is not directly given in the video, there is a profile and some descriptions about his age and height.

Su Mian's eyes immediately moistened after watching the video.

It turns out that uncle has not given up looking for her.

But JOJO doesn't know Chinese. She looked at it vaguely, but when she saw the picture at last, she said, "eh, this man is a little like you."

Professor Qiu said with a smile, "it's not convenient to surf the Internet here, and it's far away from this beautiful country. I wouldn't have seen this if I hadn't been on a business trip The Huo family spent 100 million to find their wife, which is a very rare thing in country Z. in fact, I said so much to make sure. "

He paused and continued to ask, "are you the girl in the video?"

As soon as his words came out, Su Mian didn't respond, and JOJO couldn't believe it.

"My God! Little Dongfang, you are worth a hundred million! "
