As soon as Professor Qiu asked, Su Mian stepped back and looked at her defensively.

He smiled and said, "don't worry, I didn't mean to hurt you I just want to help you. "

"Then give me your cell phone." Su Mian stared at his cell phone on the desktop and said, "you just give me the cell phone and it will help me a lot."

After all, Su Mian doesn't believe him.

Professor Qiu touched his face with regret. His charm has been enjoyed by girls. Unexpectedly, he kicked the iron plate here in Su Mian.

JOJO looked at Su Mian and Professor Qiu. At last, she was on her friend's side.

"Professor Qiu, you can help little Dongfang. I don't know what happened, but I'm sure that little Dongfang is a good man."

JOJO is a kind black girl.

"Hey, girls, don't take the atmosphere so seriously. I really Well, I won't say anything. " Professor Qiu shrugged weakly, took the mobile phone and handed it to Su Mian, saying, "just use it. By the way, remember to press 86 "before calling country Z."

Su Mian rushed to the cell phone, looked up at him and said, "thank you."

In any case, he is willing to lend his cell phone to himself.

Her fingers trembled as she pressed the number.

After pressing the dozen numbers, she heard the sound of successful dialing.

Hurry up!

She is very nervous, obviously only a short time, maybe only a few seconds

She felt as if she had lived a lifetime.


It's uncle's voice.

Su Mian breathed a sigh of relief. She choked and said, "Uncle I am Su Mian... "

“……” There was a pause of half a second before I heard hoting's voice.

"Little sheep, what floor are you on?"

Su Mian didn't realize the strangeness of his question. She said, "on the seventh floor." She had a lot to say, but when she heard the familiar voice, she couldn't help crying.

Want to tell him his grievances and fears.

However, she found that after JOJO and Professor Qiu stared at themselves, they were embarrassed to hold back their tears.

She took a deep breath, turned around, and continued, "I'm on an island now, and I don't know where I am. It seems that..." Su Mian tries to recall the address here.

Huo Ting interrupted her and said, "don't panic, little sheep. You answer me a question first. "

It's amazing that Huo Ting's words have a great soothing effect on her.

As if he let himself not be nervous, she felt really safe.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you miss me?" Hoting asked coldly.

Although his tone was as cold as ever, it was a familiar feeling to her.

Su Mian could not help nodding, even if she knew Huo Ting could not see it.

"I miss you so much! Uncle, I really miss you! " She confessed her feelings.

Huo Ting over there laughed in a low voice.

"Now I will give you a chance to realize your wish. What do you want?"

Su Mianmian almost didn't need to think about it, but said it directly.

"I want to see you." She cried out, "uncle, I want to see you right away!"

Suddenly, the door of the classroom was opened.

Huoting appeared in front of her in a black suit, smiling.

"Little sheep, I'm here to pick you up!"