
Su Mian is scared to be silly!

She held her cell phone and stared at Huo Ting, motionless.

She wondered if she was dreaming?

Isn't uncle still on the phone with her? How did it come to her?

Is it because she missed him too much?

"It's over. I'm hallucinating." Su muttered.

Naturally, her self talk was heard by hoting.

Huoting is a little speechless. He steps forward quickly and reaches for Su Mian.

Su Mian was unprepared. With a exclamation, her mobile phone fell to the ground.

Huo Ting bent down, put his head on her head and said, "do you still think I'm an illusion?"

Of course not!

Su Mian also hugs Huo Ting, buries his head in his chest, cannot help but burst into tears.

"Wuwu Uncle, you don't know how scared I am! I, I thought I would never see you again! "

This is the happiest time Su Mian cried since she had memories. Many years later, every time she occasionally recalled it, she felt a little ashamed.

In fact, she has a strong personality, even if there are many unhappy things, she will try to think about the good side.

Think about it, it will pass.

People's luck will not be so bad forever.

Even in the face of abduction, the most helpless time, she has a trace of hope.

But that doesn't mean she won't be afraid.

Her previous fears were suppressed. Now when she saw Huo Ting, those negative emotions hit her like the surging tide.

JOJO looked at the suddenly appeared Oriental man, frightened by his powerful aura, then saw him hold Su Mian, and then did not know what they said, Su Mian cried loudly.

Although she was afraid, she went up and said loudly, "you, let go of little east!"

Who is this black man?

Hoting gave her a cold look.

JOJO was scared out in a cold sweat, but she still bravely did not back.

She said, "you let go of my friend!"

Su Mian cried for a while. At this time, she heard the voice of JOJO. She looked up and heard JOJO saying to Huo ting.

"If you don't let her go, I will call the police!"

Ah Did JOJO misunderstand something?

Su Mian said with embarrassment, "JOJO, he He is my husband. "

"What?! Are you married? " JOJO opened her eyes to Su Mian and said in surprise, "oh my God! You are still so young. "

Professor Qiu can't read any more. Is this girl's Chinese taught by a PE teacher?

He didn't say before. The Huo family spent 100 million to find their wife. She was surprised at Su Mian's value.

Dare to Does this girl only listen to half of what she hears?

Professor Qiu looked at huoting's face badly. He had heard about some "Legends" about Huo's family members.

She is her own student, so she has to take care of herself.

"Sorry, I'm a student who likes to make a fuss." He reached out and pulled JOJO behind him.

Su Mian also found Huo Ting's expression was a little unhappy at this time. She actively reached for his big hand and said, "uncle, JOJO is my roommate. She always takes care of me."

The subtext is, you can't be cruel.


After hearing Su Mian's words, Huo Ting's face was finally better.