In fact, even if Su Mian doesn't surf the Internet this time, she hasn't been targeted by Dongdong.

Just a few more days. Hoting can find her, too.

She will never know how much money and energy Huo Ting spent to find her. Of course, Huo Ting will not tell her.

Hoting doesn't say, let alone the people around her.

But after this time, everyone knows a little.

In huoting's mind, Su Mian is of great importance.

Now Su Mian lies in Huo Ting's arms and finally has a good sleep.

By the time she opened her eyes again, she had returned to the familiar country.

"Still want to sleep?" Huo Ting kissed Su's forehead.

Su Mian saw that he rarely had such a tender expression, and felt it was very magical. He couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter?" Huo Ting doesn't know why.

She said honestly, "uncle, I think you seem a little different."

This time he seldom showed her a cold expression.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and asked, "what's different?"

Su Mian blushed, avoiding his eyes, and said, " I don't know... " Her voice is very low.

Hoting lowered her head and bit her lips gently.

"You are really It scares me. " He said.

Su Mian hugs Huo ting and says, "I didn't expect this I didn't know Sophie would do such a thing. If I knew, I would never have passed that day. "

Huo Ting sighed a little.

Su Mian raised her head and asked, "by the way, how is she now?"

She's not the virgin. Sophie did her so badly!

At that time, she vowed that if she could come out, she would never let her go!

Huo Ting heard Su Mian's question. His eyes flashed and he said, "I will make her regret what she did to you."

Su Mian knows Huo ting. When he says that, she guesses that she doesn't want to know.

But this time it's different.

She wants revenge on herself! If everything depends on uncle, she can't go on this tone.

"Uncle, maybe I didn't tell you that I really hate Sophie. My father was not like that when I was a child. Although he was always cold to me, he never hit me." Su Mian slowly lowered his head and whispered, "but when they came, they changed..."

She still remembers what it was like to be beaten for the first time by suvizer.

Sufeifei said that she intentionally cut the skirt suweize bought for herself with scissors. At that time, sufeifei was just here, and her clothes were not very good, so suweize took her to buy many beautiful skirts.

Su Weize's slap came down, and Su Mian was stupid.

Where there are two mothers and daughters who can be said to perform, after that, there are more and more such things, and Su Mian starts to stay away from them after suffering losses.

However, it's not enough. She is forced to give her blood every month.

This is the most intolerable thing for her.

She said, thinking of the past, the hatred in her eyes could not be restrained.

"So, I will never let her go easily! Although I didn't get any real hurt this time, I won't let her go! " She said, gnashing her teeth.

Huo Ting reached for Su's head.

Su Mian wiped her eyes hard. She didn't have the courage to see her uncle.

She lowered her head.

Uncle must not like her like this, right?