When Yao Xinyi heard Huo Ting's words, she was embarrassed. She covered her mouth and smiled, "don't mention it, court. I lost again in the afternoon when I played chess with Huo Shu. You said, I've been practicing in foreign countries for several years. How can I come back or lose?"

Huo Zhenyuan was amused by her funny expression on purpose. He laughed and said, "Xinyi, how can you learn from foreign ghosts if you want to improve your chess skills? You should learn more from Uncle Huo. "

"As long as Uncle Huo doesn't dislike me, I was very happy to often go to rub rice."

"You girl, you come to see me. I'm too happy." Huo Zhenyuan looked at Huo ting a little plaintively and continued, "by the way, do you come back this time?"

"No, I think s city makes me feel at home." Yao Xinyi looks at huoting all the time when she says these words. In fact, she doesn't look very good, but her temperament is very good, and there is a tear nevus under her right eye. When she laughs, it's a bit charming.

Huo Ting listened to the conversation in silence. He was not a talker. He thought there was nothing to cut in.

"Just don't leave." Huo Zhenyuan saw her performance in his eyes, and his mind became more and more certain. He said, "however, s city has changed a lot now. Let Huo Ting take you around after dinner."

"Old man..."

"Uncle Huo..."

Huo ting and Yao Xinyi said at the same time that they all seemed to think the proposal was unreasonable.

"Son of a bitch, can't I call you?" Huo Zhenyuan stared at him discontentedly.

They stare at each other, Yao Xinyi says awkwardly.

"It's too late to bother the court. He's very tired after a busy day. I'll take a taxi myself later."

Huoting looked at her and asked, "you don't have a car?"

Yao Xinyi was even more embarrassed when she heard this. She said, "I have just returned to China, and I have nothing to prepare for."

"The girl still lives in the hotel! I said it's not safe for a single girl to stay in a hotel. Let her come to stay with me first, but it's too far and inconvenient for her to go to work. " Huo Zhenyuan said, "by the way, don't you have a house downtown? Or let the girl live in first. "

“……” Huo Ting is a little speechless to the warm-hearted old man, but the house is a small matter. He said, "give me the phone, and I'll have someone give you the key tomorrow."

"Thank you, court." Said Yao Xinyi gratefully.

After a meal, it was almost 10 o'clock. At this time, it was a little dangerous for a single woman to take a taxi. Huo Ting drove her back.

After the two left, Huo Zhenyuan said a meaningful sentence.

"Girl Yao, uncle can only help you here..."


Yao Xinyi looks at Huo Ting's perfect side face. Over the years, he seems to be more mature and masculine.

Also, when she left, everyone was very green.

"I'm sorry. You told me not to come back. I still broke my promise." She whispered.

Hoting was silent.

"I have been thinking and regretting all these years. If I didn't leave, would I not die in the morning..."

Before she had finished speaking, the car was stopped violently. She didn't notice for a moment and almost hit the glass.