"What's the matter?"

Yao Xinyi turns around and looks at huoting, but she is frightened by huoting's eyes.

It's terrible

"Don't talk about the morning." Hoting said coldly.

Yao Xinyi looks at him in fear. His momentum is completely suppressed by Huo ting. She nods silently and dare not say another word.

"Get down now." Huo Ting's tone is even worse. It seems that if she can't go down the next second, he will personally drive her down.

"Now?" Yao Xinyi said in fright, "how can I call a car when it's so late? Court Well, I'll get out of the car. We'll have another day... "

She got out of the car, but Huo Ting left before she had finished speaking.

Yao Xinyi looks at the back of the sports car and slightly hooks up the corner of his mouth.

She just left her bag on the car on purpose, waiting for the court to contact her again

This time back, she must have lost things back again!


Because Yao Xinyi mentioned the relationship with Chen, Huo Ting was in a bad mood.

He hasn't smoked for a long time, but today he can't help but smoke one to calm his mood.

Huo Chen has been a taboo in Huo's family. He and Huo Ting are twin brothers, 12 minutes younger than Huo ting.

Since childhood, they have grown up together. Their feelings are very good. Compared with Huo Ting's temperament, Huo Chen is a bright and lively sunshine boy.

The next story is more conventional. Huo Chen likes Yao Xinyi, but Yao Xinyi has been hanging Huo Chen. Compared with a big boy who loves her, Huo Ting is more challenging.

So, when Huo Chen confessed to her, she simply refused, and told him that she liked Huo ting.

Huo Chen couldn't accept the fact for a moment, so he left home and

The news of Huo Chen's accident was received again


When he sleeps in winter, he feels that someone is looking at him. When he opens his eyes, he sees Huo Ting standing in front of his bed.

He rubbed his eyes and said in a tearful voice.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you? I'm so good today. I didn't sleep in your bed... "

Huo Ting looked at him deeply, his eyes were a little terrible.

Dongdong doesn't find out what's wrong with huoting, he says.

"Have you been banished by BAABAA? It's none of my business, but if you don't have a place to sleep, I can barely let dad sleep in half the bed. " Dongdong moved his buttocks, reached out and patted the bed beside him, said naughtily, "come on!"

Huo Ting didn't reply, but asked, "do you still want to raise a sheep?"

Hearing Huo Ting's words, Dong Dong immediately fell asleep and ran away. He raised his tail and shook it all the time.

"Ouch, ouch! Daddy, I want it! If you raise another one for me, I will thank you for Xiaohuo's children and grandchildren all my life! "

Huo Ting reached out his big hand and touched Dong Dong's head. At that time, Dong Dong was a little confused about his reaction.

At this time, he finally realized that Huo Ting was weird tonight.

"Daddy?" Although he was puzzled, he still reminded Huo ting and said, "shall we go to buy sheep together tomorrow?"

"Go to bed early." Hoting whispered.

As soon as Dongdong listens to it, he lies down nicely, holds the quilt in both hands, shows his round eyes, and asks expectantly, "will daddy wake me up in the morning?"

Huo Ting nodded and said, "sleep."

"Good night, daddy."