In the past, the Huo family was all bright, but today, in addition to the first floor, other floors are dark.

Su Mian's heart is startled. Isn't it that winter hasn't come back?

She held on to a servant and asked, "is Dongdong back?"

When the servant saw Su Mian, he immediately said excitedly, "madam! You're back! "

"What about winter and winter? Where is he? " Su Mian continued.

"The young master is eating in the living room."

Su Mian nodded, intending to see Dongdong, but heard that the maid was a little embarrassed.

"Madam, the young master is drunk."

Su Mian stopped and asked, "is uncle drunk?" Can you get drunk in the daytime?!

The maid nodded and said, "at five o'clock, young master Gong and his wife sent it back together. The black housekeeper went to see the doctor. He has nothing to do with his health, but he drinks a little too much. He is afraid that he will be uncomfortable when he wakes up tomorrow."

So Uncle should have gone to drink after their quarrel.

"Madam, don't you go to see the young master?" The maid saw that Su Mian did not go to the master bedroom, but went to the living room, not to be reminded by curiosity.

"Since the doctor has come, there should be nothing more." Su Mian said with a smile, "by the way, don't call my wife later."

She doesn't want to talk too much to the servant, but Dongdong is different. If she leaves, she must talk to Dongdong.

Because they are friends.

Dongdong gives her too much warmth. Even if she leaves Huo's house, Dongdong is the one she can't give up.

"BAABAA, you are back! I left you a strawberry cake. " Dongdong takes the cake and raises the bun's face. It seems that Su Mian will praise him.

Su Mian looked down and saw that the cake was a bit askew, and the edge of the cake was even a bit pressed. Shouldn't it be bought by the black housekeeper?

Because according to the picky character of black housekeeper, such cake will not appear on the table.

She looked up at the black housekeeper, who bowed slightly to her.

"Did you buy it?" Asked Su Mian.

Dongdong looks down a little embarrassed, kicks the ground with his right foot, and says, "I bought it specially when I came back today. I didn't give up eating it myself. It was specially reserved for you."

"Why don't you buy one more?" Asked Su in a soft voice.

Dongdong tooted his mouth and said, "that shop is so annoying. You can only buy one piece for one person. Baa Baa, hurry up and eat it."

Su Mian's heart warmed. She reached out her hand and rubbed Dongdong's head. She said, "honey, I'm a little full. Maybe I can't eat so much, or can we eat together?"

Dongdong's eyes brightened and his heart was very happy, but he deliberately put on an indifferent expression.

He said, "well, since you can't eat, I'll help you."

Su Mian smiled a little, so they sat at the table and shared the cake.

The black housekeeper was very witty and helped Su Mian pour a cup of black tea.

Su Mian saw that Dong Dong wanted to eat the cake very much, so she took a bite and fed the rest to Dong Dong.

Dongdong was very happy to eat. After eating, he found that almost all the cakes had entered his stomach.

He tilted his head slightly and said, "ah, I've eaten all of them!"

"I ate it, too. It's delicious. Thank you, honey." Su Mian replied with a smile.