"You're welcome." Dongdong takes over the handkerchief of the black housekeeper and wipes his mouth and hands. Then he reaches out and pats the chair beside him and says, "well, the food is ready, Baa Baa. Let's talk about your coming home tonight."

“……” Su looked at him speechlessly.

"I know you and dad are quarreling recently, but quarreling can't ignore your lovely and clever son paper!" Winter with tears, began to complain, "do you know I didn't see you when I went home at night, how hurt my little heart is, I can't even eat dinner!"

Su Mian's eyes shifted to the table, two bare chicken legs.

Dongdong naturally answers and says, "even if you eat it, it doesn't smell good. You see I've left you my favorite cake, so you'd better repent and eat with me every night..."

"Winter and winter..." Su Mian reached for Dong Dong's head and said, "I'm going to move out."

"What?!" Hearing this, Dong Dong jumped up and said, "you don't really want to divorce dad, do you? What do I do? "

Su Mianmian has always regarded Dongdong as a friend of her own age. She saw that Dongdong was so scared that her hair exploded, and she didn't intend to hide it from him.

"I'm not even married to your dad, so there's no divorce," she said

After listening to Su Mian's words, Dongdong grew up and looked puzzled and said, "no, you got married. The cake on that day was very delicious, but there were a lot left. I couldn't eat enough Have you forgotten all this? "

“……” Love winter just remember to eat it?

He should be talking about the wedding day, but how can su Mian tell a child that marriage must be signed by law?

The topic seems a little heavy.

Su Mian touched Dong Dong's head again and said, "even if I move out, you are welcome to come to me at any time."

Looking at Su Mian's determined look, Dongdong is in a panic.

Although he cried every day that his parents were going to be divorced to baa, in fact, he just shouted, never thought that they would really get divorced.

But now, BAABAA says that she and Daddy are not married at all Winter and winter feel that the world of adults is too complex!

Dongdong grabs Su Mian's clothes, frowns, and asks pitifully.

"Is it because of the fox spirit I saw last time? I asked baby, he said it had been settled, I also asked the Butler Grandpa, he also said that the fox spirit had gone and would never come back, and the Butler grandpa was also driven to Grandpa's side by baby because he let the fox spirit in... "

"Did grandpa Butler leave because of this?" Su Mian didn't know that.

When Grandpa Butler left, she also went to see him off. He looked very happy. It is said that he would live with his son and daughter-in-law.

So Su Mianmian always thought he was retired.

As a result, now Dongdong tells her that it's because of Yao Xinyi that she left?!

Dongdong knows that he has said something wrong, and immediately covers his mouth.

"BAABAA, you should think I didn't say anything."

Su sighed, touched Dongdong's head, and said, "forget it, it doesn't matter."

Since Grandpa butler went to Huo's side, it's a good place to go. Now she doesn't have much energy to manage other people's affairs.