Seeing Su Mian's appearance, Dong Dong suddenly feels a strong sense of insecurity in his heart, as if Su Mian will leave next second and never come back.

He tugged at her hand and said, "BAABAA, would you mind not going? Daddy knows it's wrong. "

Su Mian shook his head and said, "he is not wrong."

Dongdong couldn't understand it any more and said, "since daddy is not wrong, why do you want to divorce him?"

Su Mianmian was too lazy to correct the word "divorce". She sighed and said, "we are not suitable, at least we are not suitable now..."

Not suitable for

This problem is too difficult to understand in winter and winter.

So that Su Mian left, he thought for a night can not understand.

In his opinion, babe has made a mistake. BAABAA has forgiven him. Isn't this matter solved?

Dongdong has always been a sensible and witty child. When he found that Su Mian had decided to go, he left Baa Baa's contact information tactfully, and then squatted beside huoting, drawing a circle of resentment

Huo Ting didn't wake up until early morning. In fact, he was forced to wake up.

After being tired of painting circles in winter, I fell asleep on huoting

Son paper I don't dislike the wine taste of huoting.

Therefore, huoting was awakened by the pressure of winter and winter.

He opened his eyes and felt the sharp pain in his head. He frowned and soon found that half of Dongdong's body was on him.

"Why is the child sleeping in such a bad posture?" Huoting displeased and straightened Dongdong's body. He felt his mouth was dry, so he got up to look for water.

When he finished drinking, he suddenly thought of an important thing!

My wife is gone!

He quickly ran back to the master bedroom and turned on the light. There was only one person in bed.

Dongdong was awakened by the dazzling light and sound. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

He looked at Huo Ting at the first glance and stared at him badly. He thought of Baa Baa's leaving Huo's house, which was also full of anger.

Don't like to drink more wine? Drink and drink. BAABAA will come back. I will not divorce you! "

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and asked coldly, "what do you mean by that?"

He didn't want to admit that he was hurt by his son's words!

Huo Ting really wants to catch up with Dong Dong and beat him up. Dong Dong's mockery is very hateful! Is there his father in his eyes?!

Dongdong snorted, Ao Jiao said, "literally, you don't have to find it, BAABAA left, not at home."

"Huo Dongdong, you'd better make it clear to me, what is Baa Baa?! Come on, I'll get back to you later! "

Huo Ting picked up his mobile phone and called Su Mian. He said, "it's the time now, but I still can't go home. When the lamb comes back, I must make a good rule for her..."

Sorry, the number you dialed is off, please call again later! ]

stand up at this time of winter and winter, and enjoy Huo Ting's angry and decadent appearance slowly enough.

He said, "it's all said Baa Baa has gone. If you don't believe it, dad is better than you to look at the clothes in the closet."

Hearing this, Huo Ting rushed to the clothes room immediately. When he saw Su Mian's clothes were still there, he was relieved secretly.

However, the next sentence of Dongdong immediately broke his dream.

"You bought it for BAABAA, she didn't take any..."