At last, Huo Ting sighed, reached out and pushed Su's forehead, and said coldly, "Why are you so stupid?"

Although his tone is still cold with Huo Ting's signature, there is no human flavor, and this sentence is not good.

However, Su Mian feels warm at this moment.

She looked up and unexpectedly saw the hot emotion in huoting's eyes. She thought of what uncle had just said.

"My first lover is you..."

After she had regained her taste, she took a breath and looked at him with bright eyes.

Huo Ting lowered his voice and said slowly, "what can I do if I am so bullied?"

"Uncle, you just said that the first lover is me. If you say so, you like me Right? "

“…… Fool, why don't you marry me? " Hoting said impatiently.

Su Mian sips her mouth. She seems to want to say something but doesn't say it.

Huo Ting says directly, "what words say directly."

"But isn't our marriage without legal effect? I'm not even old enough to get married. " In fact, Su Mian didn't pay much attention to that piece of paper, but she was influenced by Yao Xinyi's words on this issue before, and she would feel that if she was not a husband and wife, the relationship between her and her uncle would seem to have nothing to do with it.

If it's a husband and wife, she can flirt with her uncle at will. If not, there seems to be no reason for her to do many things like this.

At the end of the day, it's still a sense of security.

Huo Ting looked at her with a strange expression and said, "do you think I can't handle such small things as age? I'm convinced that you've been struggling with such a problem for so long. "

“…… So, our marriage is effective... "

"Of course, it works. If you still don't believe it, go back to Xiaohong to have a look." Hoting said.

Su Mian smell words, a little difficult to describe the mood at the moment, seems to be relieved, there is a kind of feeling that has lost things back.

She turned her face to one side. After a while, she heard Huo Ting sighing. Then he seemed to stand up and didn't know what he was looking for.

In other words, the cold war before them seemed a little strange. Then, after explaining clearly now, she didn't know what face to look at uncle.

She secretly changed her wish She didn't know how to open her mouth. She was sure that uncle would be very angry if he knew.

Su Mian covers her face. If she can, she wants to bury her face in the quilt and never lift it out again.

"Look up." Huo Ting said in a domineering way.

Su Mian is used to obeying him. Her previous resistance seems to be completely appeased by Shun Mao. She didn't think about it, so she immediately raised her head.

Then, seeing Huo Ting's face displeased, he handed her a book and said, "take it."

This book was bought by her before to study making desserts.

She looked at hoting doubtfully.

Hoting added, "open it."

Su Mian's heart suddenly beat faster. She opened the page a little shakily and saw some words below in the blank page of the book.

[Su Mian, I love you! ----Although I still can't understand why you are upset, what I said to you is always true, and I won't cheat you Huo Ting said slowly, "Su Mian, I love you!"