Su Mian, I love you!

Some people have said that the best thing in the world is that the people you like also like you, and the moment of mutual love will make the whole happy person melt.

Su Mian thought, her heart will be melted now.

"Well, this is the first love letter I wrote. I will not make up for it if I lose it." Huo Ting said proudly, just like a noble cat.

Su Mian was very moved to hold the book in her arms and said, "I will treasure it."

Uncle's love letter is so precious.

"Good. The problem has been solved." Huo Ting smiled and said, "then, it's time for us to talk about your running away from home."

“……” Su Mian Leng Leng, back, "I did not run away from home."

"No! What's the matter with this house? " Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and said, "this house is dilapidated. Your room can't even compare with the toilet at home. Little sheep, would you rather live in such a place than go home?"

No such exaggeration

Su Mian's face was not very good after hearing Huo Ting's description.

"It's still a little better than the Huo's toilet."

“…… Are you serious about this? "

Su Mian's forehead crossed a thick black line, and she said innocently, "isn't this topic what you said first, uncle?"

"We'll go back at dawn." Huo Ting doesn't talk nonsense to Su Mian either. He orders directly.

But unexpectedly, Su Mian shook his head quickly after listening.

She said, "uncle, I want to be independent. I am an adult now. I can't rely on you all the time. I depend on myself."

"What does it have to do with you moving out?" Huo Ting said displeased, "little sheep, it's almost enough, don't be too much!"

Huo Ting regards her as a child. Since she is a child, she naturally needs to put her eyes down to rest assured.

"I'm serious. I've got a part-time job. I'll go to work tomorrow." Su Mian said seriously, "uncle, I hope you can respect my decision."

Huo Ting looked at Su Mian deeply and said, "if you work part-time, you can come to Huo group. Didn't you do well in Mary's place before?"

If you don't say this, it's OK. Speaking of this, Su Mian is speechless.

She was only a part-time job. As a result, Huo Ting gave her a monthly salary of 100000 yuan. At the moment when she got the salary, she was scared to pee. She quickly covered the payslip tightly and tightly, so that she would not be seen.

So, Su Mianmian was embarrassed to continue later.

Of course, the most important thing is that when she was part-time, Huo Ting used to make excuses for her to go in several times. She thought something was wrong, but she was oppressed by Huo ting. Kissed on the wall for a long time

Although no one saw it, Su Mian was too ashamed to bear it.

Su Mian shook her head and said, "I want to find a job that interests me."

"What are you looking for?" Asked hoting.

"Cake shop." After she finished, thinking of Huo Ting's past work style, she quickly said, "uncle, you can't buy the shop. I just work for a month. When school starts in September, I won't be in s city."

Hearing this, Huo Ting looked at her coldly and asked, "little sheep, why don't you be in s city when school starts?"