too bad! To be found!

How can you just say it? She wanted to do it first and then she would report directly to the school and then call uncle, so as to avoid face-to-face conflict.

Su Mian looked up at Huo Ting timidly with a bitter face, and saw that his face was very bad. She lowered her head and picked her fingers uneasily.

"I changed my college wish I didn't report to Eaton University. I changed it to city h. "

After she finished speaking, Huo Ting didn't say a word. She looked up uneasily and saw Huo Ting looking at herself coldly. She couldn't help but be shocked.

"I'll find someone to change it back." Hoting said coldly.

"No." Su Mian reaches for Huo Ting's hand and says, "I want to go to H City, uncle. In fact, s city is not far from H city. High speed rail only takes more than an hour..."

Huo Ting pulls Su Mian's hand off and interrupts Su Mian's rhythm. He says coldly, " Whatever you want! "

With that, Huo Ting turned around and left.

The door was slammed shut and snapped.

Su Mian knew that Huo Ting was really angry this time, even though he was slow.

What can I do now?


After huoting left, Su Mian fell asleep more restlessly, and didn't know when. When he got up the next day, his head hurt.

However, she can't sleep late. She just got a job as a trainee cake maker yesterday. Today is her first day at work.

Su Mian cleans herself up. Seeing that her face is not good in the mirror, she pats her face hard.

When she went out, another tenant was waiting for her outside.

The female tenant walked up with a flip flop and asked, "ouch, who is the man who came here last night in the middle of the night? Very handsome! Do you have his phone number? Give it to me. "

She asked a lot of questions, but Su didn't respond for a while.

"Hey, as soon as you look like this, you didn't sleep well last night?" She smiled at Su Mian vaguely, and then asked in a low voice in Su Mian's ear, "is he very strong?"

Su Mian looks at her face, which is just a reaction.

How dare she treat her uncle as a special professional?!

"Poof!" Su Mian chuckled with her stomach in her arms.

God! Her brain hole is too big. Su Mian is in a better mood when she makes such a fuss.

"Ah, what are you laughing at? Am I not right? " The female tenant looks at Su Mian's laugh, full of question marks.

Su Mian wiped the tears around her eyes, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "he's my bag, and I don't accept visitors." Finish saying, also no matter whether the female tenant believes or not, Su Mian left in a good mood.

After a few seconds, the female tenant shouted at Su Mian's back, "I don't believe it! You are so poor, how can you pack such a unique look? Ah, hey, don't go! Give me a call! Good things can't be monopolized by one person! "

Su Mian could not hear her words.

Su Mian arrived at meidiexuan cake shop on time. The shop is about 100 square meters. In addition to putting cakes, half of the space is set up with tables and chairs for guests to use. After buying cakes, they can eat directly in the shop. The shop also provides tea, which is very intimate.