Su Mian came out in a hurry. He didn't take off his hat. He was still wearing white overalls and powder on his hands.

This is her real working state!

Su Mian didn't know what Huo Ting was thinking. She stormed out and shouted, "what do you want to do?!"

Huo Ting didn't see her like this, so she couldn't help but stare.

Especially Su Mian's nose is stained with powder. It looks lovely! I just want to hold her in my arms and give her a kiss.

When the bodyguards saw Huo Ting, they couldn't say anything. Naturally, no one dared to interrupt boss's imagination.

Su Mianmian found that after roaring, no one responded to her and frowned.

Kevin is the owner of the shop, how can he make a young girl appear?!

He summoned up his courage to come over and pulled Su Mian behind him. He was about to fight against the dark forces when he was scared to pee by Huo Ting's cold voice.

"What are you doing?!" Huo Ting growls, eyes sharp looking at Kevin pulling Su Mian's hand, and says, "don't let go of your hand yet."

Kevin was so roared, quickly let go of Su Mian's hand, and instinctively flashed to one side.

Su Mian stared at Huo ting and said, "uncle, what do you want to do?" What on earth is uncle doing?

Huoting is roared by Su Mian. All the onlookers pinch cold sweat for her.

When we were worried about whether Su Mianmian would be fried by the leader of the Communist Party, we found Huo ting a little aggrieved and said.

"I just came to buy cakes..."

Buy Cake Just

Brother, are you kidding?!

This is the look of seeking revenge. Where is buying cake?

Su Mian is choked by Huo Ting's words. Since he comes to buy cakes, he can't push the guests out of the door, can he?

Especially when the boss is still around.

Su Mian asked reluctantly, "what flavor do you want?"

Huo Ting's deep eyes have been staring at Su Mian. He asked softly, "which one is you?"

Su Mian Leng Leng, or to answer honestly.

"I did everything but those." She makes most of today's cakes.

"Then I'll have it all." Huo Ting said boldly.

Once again, the people were frightened by his arrogance, and they were silent again.

Su Mian looked at Huo Ting silently and said, "seven cakes, can you eat them?" The implication is not to waste.

Huo Ting smiled and said, "isn't there a place in your shop? First take two out and cut them to eat. "

Kevin, it's not good to hear that!

Dare they eat in the shop?!

He regretted why he had set up tables and chairs in the shop. As long as they were there, other guests would not dare to come in again. However, they were all guests and could not rush out.

Now he wants them to eat and leave.

Kevin said, "guest, please take a seat first and deliver the cake as soon as possible."

Bodyguards look at boss, get his approval, then very crisp to find a place to sit down.

They are all old men with little interest in cake. However, since boss has opened his mouth, we will not refuse it.

So, there is the most strange scene in the store. A group of people with totally wrong style sit in the store orderly waiting for feeding

Think about it. It's terrible!