Su Mian looks at Kevin to receive the bodyguards and whispers to Huo Ting, "uncle, what are you doing here?"

Huo Ting looked at her and asked instead, "how many of you are in the shop? Is there no one else? "

In fact, he received feedback from the people who monitored Su Mian that there was a man who was suspected to be interested in the little sheep. When he saw the photo that was passed to him, he felt very crisis.

Hands on the shoulders of the sheep?! Good! Looks like this hand doesn't want it!

What?! The little sheep smiled so brightly at him?! This is absolutely intolerable!

Therefore, Huo Ting immediately brought some people to frighten the man, but no one was seen after he came in.

These Naturally, I can't tell Su Mian a single word.

Su Mianmian thought that uncle's question was a little strange, but he went back.

"And a baker, but he's off this afternoon." She looked at huoting doubtfully and asked, "uncle, you are not just coming to have a cake?"

Huo Ting's face remained unchanged and said, "I have something to pass by here, and I'll see you by the way."

Su Mian Oh, put a word clearly do not believe.

"By the way!" So many bodyguards came here?! incidentally? Who are you kidding?

Su Mianmian hands the bill to Huo ting.

Huo Ting didn't even look at it. He gave Su Mian the card and said, "little sheep, I think a lot these days. You are right. I should give you more space."

Naturally, this is not what Huo Ting can think of. He specifically consulted Xia Yi, a woman who is also a doctor.

Although Xia Yi did not laugh at Huo ting in this matter, he also carefully analyzed Su Mian's behavior after laughing.

Xia Yi is very reliable in medical skills. After hearing her analysis, Huo Ting suddenly became enlightened.

Su Mian hears the words and looks at huoting in shock.

How could a bullying uncle think that? This is a very surprising change.

"If you want to go to university in H City, you can go there. But next time you meet such a big problem, you can talk with me a little. I want to participate in any choice of your life. You can rest assured that I will respect your decision!"

It's not easy to say these words from uncle.

"Uncle..." Su Mian was suddenly moved and her eyes were a little red.

But before she was moved, she heard Huo Ting ask her.

"By the way, have you had enough outside? When are you going to go home? "

“……” Su Mianmian took it back and said, "please take your card."

Huo Ting didn't reach for it, but continued, "you've been out for five days! Almost come on! "

Su Mian sees that he confiscates the card and simply puts it in his suit pocket. Then he goes out to help Kevin.

Hoting suddenly reached for her.

Su Mian looks back at him angrily.

Huo Ting gently wiped the flour on Su's nose, looked at her innocently and said, "it's dirty here!"

Su Mianmian found that he had misunderstood uncle, and immediately said a little embarrassed.

"Oh, thank you."

Huo Ting didn't care. He continued, "little sheep, what I just said..."

Su Mian interrupts Huo Ting's words a little impatiently and says, "uncle, can you stop saying this first?"