The landlord is an aunt in her fifties. She bought the house as a dowry for her daughter. As a result, when her daughter married abroad, the house was empty. After retirement, the two old people had no income, so they used it for rent.

Su Mianmian was very talkative when he saw the old man when he rented the house. He knew that Su Mian was a student and rented it to her for another two months.

It's important to know that all the houses here are rented under the pressure of three.

However, unexpectedly, a phone call today made Su Mian move out.

"Grandma, did you just say it was true on the phone?" Asked Su Mian.

The landlord held Su Mian's hand in embarrassment and said, "yes, my old man sold the house without my knowledge. I just knew that the other side said that he would come to collect the house tomorrow, so you have to move out today. You can rest assured. I will refund all the money you gave me before."

"But if I move out now, I don't know where to live." Su Mianmian said, "can you please let the other party accommodate? Let me stay for another two days and move when I find my house? "

All of a sudden, a moderate voice sounded in front of Su Mian.

"Old woman! What are you talking about?! Just give it back! "

"Here..." The landlord looked at Su Mian in embarrassment, then put an envelope directly into Su Mian's hand and said, "I'm sorry."

"Why do you say so much?" The old man pulled the landlord away.

Su Mian held the envelope and watched them go. For a while, she was very powerless.

What can I do? Tomorrow the new landlord will come. One night, where will she go to find a new house?

Su Mian turns around and goes back to pick up the things. There are not many things. A suitcase will be packed.

The trouble is, after tomorrow, I don't know where to go?

She sat on the sofa in confusion, at this time, she suddenly wanted a house of her own.

If she has a house of her own, there is a way out.

Suddenly there was a knock outside the door. Su Mian jumped up like a frightened bird.

It won't come so soon, will it?

She was a little flustered with her luggage.

Seeing that Su Mian didn't open the door, the people outside shouted.

"Sheep, open the door!"

It's uncle!

After hearing Huo Ting's voice, she was relieved and stood up to open the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door?" Huo Ting asked with a frown.

Su Mian had been at a very confused stage for the first two hours. Seeing a familiar person appear at the moment, the psychological pressure suddenly reduced a lot.

She sniffed and said, "uncle, I don't have a place to live."

Huo Ting's eyes flashed a little fast, he asked.

"What's the matter?"

Su Mian said wrongly, "I rented it for two months, but today the landlord suddenly returned the money to me, saying that the house has been sold and can't be rented to me any more Let me move today! This is just too bad! I want to sue them. How can I? We all signed the contract. "

Huo Ting put out his hand and hugged Su Mian, a little guilty.

"If you want to sue that old man, I can help you."

Su Mian is comforted by Huo ting. He is in a better mood. He shakes his head and says, "forget it, they are quite old. Besides, Fang Dong's people are not bad. Her husband is not good enough to talk Oh, no! "