Su Mian said and thought something was wrong!

But she didn't notice what was wrong.

"Uncle, say what you just said again!" Asked Su Mian solemnly.

Huo Ting knew that he had accidentally let slip, so he quickly opened the topic.

He replied, "little sheep, don't worry. As long as I'm here, you don't have to worry. Let's go. I'll take you to dinner first."

Su Mian stared at him, shook his head, and said, "no, that's not what you just said."

"Did I just say anything?" Huo Ting continued to play dumb and said, "don't think so much. Are you hungry? Let's go to dinner first. "

“……” Su Mian sips her mouth and stands still.

Huo Ting: "..."

Su took a deep breath and said, "you just said the old man Uncle, if I remember correctly, I haven't told you how old the landlord is! "

Huo Ting: "..."

"Uncle!" Su Mian said angrily, "how can you do this?" She couldn't help but reach out and slap hoting on the chest.

How frightened she was when she knew there was no place to live!

But now I find that the person who bought the house is Huo ting.

At this stage, Huo Ting can't hide any more. He easily grasped Su Mian's hand.

"You let go!" Su Mian said angrily.

"Don't be angry!" "Little sheep, you've been out for half a month, almost got it," said the man

Su Mian was angry and smiled at his words.

Do you think he's having a bad temper?

"Get out of here! I have nothing to say to you savage. " Su Mianmian pushes Huo Ting out of the door.

Seeing Su Mian's angry appearance, huoting did not dare to stimulate her any more, so she went out according to her meaning.

With a bang, the door closed.

For the first time, hoting was shut out.

Su Mian leans on the back of the door angrily. She doesn't want to see her uncle at all.

Huo Ting stood outside for a while and left.

When he left, he knocked on the door and said, "little sheep, don't be angry. I just want you to go home."

Su Mian covers his ears and doesn't listen to him. However, Huo Ting is not good at words. He also knows that he can't say more. Now Su Mian is angry, and he says more wrong.

After a while, the door was completely quiet. Su Mian pasted it on the back of the door and listened for a while. After confirming that there was no sound, she opened the door.

Huo Ting left as expected.

She breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to live in the house anymore. She took the suitcase and labored downstairs.

Although Huo Ting left, he found someone to watch Su Mian for 24 hours.

So, when Su Mian came downstairs carrying his luggage, the watchers immediately found out.

"Look, boss! There are new developments! Do you want to call boss? "

The boss said decisively, "don't say it. Hurry up!"

They drove behind Su Mian's taxi.

"Little girl, where are you going?" Asked the driver.

Su Mian Leng Leng, a blank face.

The driver is a warm-hearted uncle. Seeing Su Mian's appearance, he begins to advise him, "are you going to run away from home? If you have anything to say, don't quarrel with your parents. If you run away from home in this period of time, did you fail in the college entrance examination

The black line on Su's face.