When the driver saw Su Mian, he didn't talk or drive her away, but kindly advised her.

"Little girl, if you misunderstand your family, please explain. Running away from home is not the solution."

Su Mian thought, maybe she met a very enthusiastic driver.

She looked out of the window and sighed.

Is he wrong?

"You young people are impulsive and don't think carefully enough. Although the old people's words are not pleasant to listen to, they are all experience talks. If you listen more, you won't suffer from loss..." The driver is still nagging.

Su Mian's anger calmed down after persuasion.

There is less than a month to go to university, and this time, my uncle really gave her a lot of patience, otherwise, with my uncle's degree of hegemony, it is impossible for her to leave s city for University.

She sighed and said, "please take me to this address."

The driver saw a high-grade residential area and said, "I've said so much, you haven't heard a word?"

Su Mian smiled and shook his head and said, "no, I think what you said is very reasonable, so I plan to go home."


The car that follows Su Mian, after discovering that Su Mian's taxi turns around, quickly follows.

When they found that Su Mian was on the way back to Huo's house, he took a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "it seems that we can go home and sleep tonight."

Yes! Finally, I can go home! Everyone is in a good mood.

The boss called Huo ting to report.


The car stopped at the door of Huo's house, and Su Mian got out of the car a little uneasy.

The driver asked enthusiastically, "little girl, do you want me to take you in?"

Su Mian shook his head and waved goodbye to the enthusiastic driver.

She took her luggage and went to the Huo's monitor range. She took a deep breath. She was about to ring the doorbell when the door suddenly opened.

Su Mian's heart leaped and looked up.

Huo Ting pulls Dong Dong to stand less than ten meters away from her and waits for her.

"Welcome back." Hoting said coldly.

"BAABAA! You sent it back! I really miss you! Do you want to miss me? " Dongdong looks at Su Mian a little shy.

Su Mian's heart warmed. Suddenly, she felt that she should go home early.

"I'm sorry, I I'm late. "

"It doesn't matter!" Dongdong came over, took Su Mian's hand and said, "but if you feel sorry, take me to see a happy movie tomorrow."

"No, you have to go to school tomorrow." Hoting said coldly.

Winter suddenly wrinkled up a face, said, "that, the day after tomorrow?"

"You will go to school the day after tomorrow!" Huo Ting is especially strict in facing the problem of going to school in winter. He reaches out his hand and knocks on Dongdong's forehead, saying, "Huo Dongdong, don't think about skipping classes all the time."

Dongdong holds his head and hides behind Su Mian.

Su Mian looked at Dong Dong's pitiful feeling, and suddenly became soft hearted. She said, "uncle, don't play Dong Dong all the time." She touched his head and was relieved to find nothing.

Huo Ting looked at dongdongdeshe's feeling for a moment without any words. After a second, he said in a low voice, "what a mother and a loser!"

However, anyway, it's really nice for the little sheep to come back!

Huo Ting takes Su Mian's luggage and takes her hand and walks in.