Su Mian couldn't bear to starve Dongdong, so they took Dongdong to buy food.

Dongdong is probably starving. He eats a lot more delicious food than before.

Su Mian felt a little hurt for him when she saw his appearance. Seeing that he ate the lunch box clean, she asked softly, "do you want to eat?"

Dongdong touched his stomach and said, "I want to drink something."

Bai Jing hears the words and says, "sit down, I'll buy it. Can I buy you juice in winter?"

"I want strawberry juice." Winter said.

"OK, I'll go to the milk tea shop and buy it for you." Bai Jing said with a smile.

After Bai Jing left, Su Mian took out a paper towel to clean Dong Dong's mouth and hands. He asked, "now I can say."

Dongdong looks at Su Mian's face and says, "I came here by high-speed rail, isn't it great?"

"Alone?" Su Mian was shocked and said, "how did you get on the bus to check in?"

Dongdong proudly tells Su Mian the process in detail.

Su Mian was silent for a while, thinking that Dongdong was the best child. He was only five years old!

She now understands why Huo Ting looks at him so strictly. If the child's IQ is bad, no one will take care of it.

Thinking of all this, Su's face couldn't help turning black, she said.

"Dongdong, how can you skip class? Good kids shouldn't skip class. If your father knows, he will beat your ass in minutes."

"But I miss you!" Dongdong said wrongly, "BAABAA, you are not at home at night. No one accompanies me to bathe Xiaohuo. Xiaohuo has eaten less recently, and her hair is not as bright as before. Besides When I go to bed at night, no one tells me a story... "

Dong Dong seems to be a little embarrassed when he talks about it. He looks at Su Mian and continues.

"Of course, I'm not a child. I don't need others to sleep with me. I just didn't finish the story you told me last time Me, me... "

Su Mian reached for Dongdong's head and said, "I understand. You just miss me."

Dongdong nodded slightly and said, "I sent it to you When I grew up, I thought baabaabaa would make you happy, but you were still angry... "

Su Mian sighed and said, "I'm not angry, but I'm scared."

Dongdong blinked his eyes and asked timidly, "Why are you not angry with me?"

Su Mian can't help seeing the appearance of Dongdong any more. She hugs Dongdong, pats her back and says, "honey, I'm not angry. I won't be angry with you."

"Great..." Dongdong in Su Mian can not see the angle showed a sly smile.

Haha, as expected, BAABAA is soft heart

After a while, Bai Jing bought the juice. Seeing Su Mian's red eyes, she asked, "what happened?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "I'm going to send Dongdong back this afternoon. Can you ask for leave for me?"

Bai Jing nods, indicating that there is no problem.

Dongdong frowned after drinking a mouthful of juice and said, "this strawberry juice is not good to drink, it tastes strange, just like carrots."

Bai Jing looks at it and finds that it's wrong. What she gives Dongdong is carrot juice.

"I'm sorry. I gave it the wrong way. This is strawberry juice."

Dongdong looks at her with tears in her eyes.