Bai Jing was stared at by Dong Dong, who asked, "what's the matter? Look at me like this. "

Su Mian felt Dong Dong's head a little sad and said, "the most annoying thing in Dong Dong is carrots."

Usually in order to let him eat, but all kinds of methods are exhausted. Soak in water until the taste is gone. Cut into pieces and mix them with other dishes He'll pick it out.

This time she took a sip of carrot juice, and she could feel that at that moment, the world in winter was crumbling.

"Ah! Carrots are delicious! And this carrot and pear juice is my favorite juice. It's delicious. " Bai Jing's heart is wide, and he doesn't find the sadness on Dongdong's face at all.

Dongdong covers his face and says to Su Mianmian, "BAABAA, take me to wash my mouth. I feel a little nauseous."

"OK, let me give you a bag in winter! If you can't help it, you can throw up first. "

"Ah, Hello! Is there such an exaggeration? " Bai Jing saw that they were gone, so she picked up the carrot juice that she had drunk in winter on the table. She didn't dislike it at all. She said to herself, "it's very delicious!"


At the same time, no one in s city found Dongdong missing.

On the one hand, I can only blame Dong Dong for skipping classes too much and often not coming. So the teacher thought that Dong Dong is the same today as before.

And even if there is his schoolbag in Dongdong's position, we didn't notice that except for the little fat man, he was still thinking about his meat bun

At 1:30 p.m., the teacher went to help each child cover the quilt. When he covered the quilt, he found that he did not know what kind of dream he had. He kept talking about meat buns.


Huo Zhenyuan asked huoting to have a meal today. The two father and son kept silent all the time. In the absence of outsiders, they would not make a sound from the meal to the end.

Huo Ting took the lead in finishing the meal. He put down the tableware and wiped his hands with a warm towel.

After a few minutes, Huo Zhenyuan also put down the tableware, and he said, "are you still in touch with that side recently?"

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and didn't speak.

Huo Zhenyuan continued, "it's changing over there. They won. My spy told me that he Coming to China recently, I think it may be for winter and winter... "

"Dongdong is my son, forever." Hoting said.

Huo Zhenyuan looked at huoting's face and said, "I'm afraid it is..."

"Nothing unexpected." Huo Ting said, stood up and said, "thank you for lunch today, old man."

After huoting left, Huo Zhenyuan sighed for a long time and said, "what kind of evil is this? You've been gone so long Xiaochen... "

Huo Ting came out and told Chen CE, "immediately send someone to stare at that side and see what the latest trend is. If necessary, we will support the other side."

Chen CE nodded and said, "OK, boss, I'll go right away." With that, just about to make a phone call, Huo Ting suddenly called him.

"Wait a minute, you call kindergarten to see what Dongdong is doing."

I don't know why, Huo Ting suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Chen CE called the kindergarten and didn't know what was said there. His face suddenly changed.

"Boss, the kindergarten said that Dong Dong didn't come to school today..."