Su Mianmian originally wanted to sneak into the dormitory with Dongdong, but when she was seen by a girl, she yelled. As a result, a lot of girls came out. When they saw Dongdong, they all screamed.

"Wow! What a lovely little girl! And curly hair. It's cute! "

"Come on, give me a hug, give me a kiss, please..."

They have no way. They are so cute in winter and winter. Girls can't control their emotions after watching it.

Su Mianmian hurriedly protected Dongdong behind him and said loudly, "Hey, you're a little bit of an exercise! Don't scare the children! "

Dong Dong stretches a small face to follow Su's hand, reaches out a head and looks at them with a little fear.

No way! Dongdong is still a five-year-old. It's frightening to see so many elder sisters who are all in love with each other.

"Ah, how lovely! You see he's secretly watching us! "

"Su Mian, can I hold her? Just a second! "

Hearing this, Dongdong hugs Su Mian's hand.

Su Mian naturally won't let them hold Dongdong. Just as she was about to refuse, Bai Jingchong came in and said, "who dares to move my man, fight with me first!"

Su Mianmian: "..." Lying trough, the most unprofessional is Bai Jing.

Winter and winter: "..." BAABAA school is terrible QAQ!

Everyone saw Bai Jing come here. She was a violent woman. Her fighting capacity could not be compared with her at all. So when they saw that flirting was not small, they scattered.

Bai Jing came to Dongdong and asked for help, saying, "is Dongdong OK?"

Dongdong looks at her with a small face, and says, "you are no different from them."

"How could I be no different from them?" The injury on Bai Jing's face.

Isn't she a hero? Why can't little Zhengtai give her a kiss?

Dongdong relentlessly hit her and said, "yes, you are more terrible than them!"

Bai Jing falls to the ground in a flash, and can't get up again.

Su Mianmian takes Dongdong back to the dormitory to wash his face and drink a cup of hot tea before seeing Bai Jing come back dejected.

"Bai Jing, are you ok?" Su Mian asked a question based on her fraternity.

Dong Dong sat quietly drinking tea. Bai Jing looked at him with great resentment. The former didn't even give her a corner of her eye.

Finally, she crawled into bed, waved and said, "I'm fine."

Su Mian touched his face and said, "I'll take Dongdong away first..."

"Wait!" Bai Jing looks up and asks, "do you come back at night? Ah, I mean, is Xiao Zhengtai coming here at night? "

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "no, he has a class the next day and will go back to s city in the evening."

"That's it!" Bai Jing said sadly, "can I take a picture with him?"

This request is a bit abrupt, but Su Mian is used to the personality of Bai Jing Huan Tuo. She turns to ask Dong Dong.

"Dongdong, this is my good friend." The implication is, can Dongdong sell me a face?

Dongdong blinked and said, "OK, let's take a picture together."

Bai Jing happily climbs down from the bed. She specially gets her hair. Then she takes up her mobile phone, adjusts the camera lens, and says, "come on, let's talk about eggplant."

However, in the moment she pressed, Dongdong turned around and kissed her.
