Su Mian took Dongdong's small hand and walked all the way. She looked down at Dongdong, looking like she wanted to talk and stop.

"BAABAA, what can I say?" Dongdong, with a lollipop, was just met by a sister.

Su Mian just went to buy a ticket and came back to see Dong Dong eating lollipops, which almost didn't scare her.

Outside, how can I eat the food given by strangers.

But Dongdong said that his sister bought this lollipop for him now.

Seeing Su Mian's friendly greetings, the man always boasted that Dongdong was lovely and clever. At last, he took a picture with Dongdong.

Su Mianmian thinks of what happened to Bai Jing, tut tut Dongdong is such a wonderful child. Women with white faces and quiet faces are all prostrated under his shorts

She thought that when she just took a selfie in the dormitory, Dongdong turned around and kissed Bai Jing's face. She said, "reward you!"

Su Mian has a big mouth, "..." Is it against the sky for the child to chase girls later?!

Bai Jing covers her face with a loving eye.

"Cough Dongdong, you are still young. Don't fall in love early. " She thought about it, but she was still persuasive.

Dong Dong, a seasoned man, said, "I don't want to get married. I don't want to be managed by girls after marriage..."

Su Mian's black line said, "if you want to get married, you can't get married. I mean, don't fall in love early..."

Dongdong smiled at Su Mianmian and said, "don't worry, Baa Baa, I know."

Su Mian touched his nose. He couldn't speak any more, so he had to change the subject.

"I've got a six o'clock ticket for three hours. Why don't we go around?"

"Good!" Dongdong nods hard.

Su Mian opened his cell phone and said, "let's take a taxi to the West Lake. Go there and have some food before we go home."

"Good! Let's hurry! I heard there is a sheep restaurant over there. I really want to go! "

"Yes? What's your name? I'll search the Internet first. "

"Here comes the sheep..."

Both of them have forgotten a very important question, that is No one thought of calling Huo ting to report.

So, both of them didn't know that in S City, they had already made a scene because of the things that disappeared in winter and winter.

City s.

The driver wiped his cold sweat with fear on his face and said, "in the morning, I sent the young master to kindergarten at 7:30 on time, because the young master is very cooperative today. He arrived at the gate of the kindergarten at about 7:45 by the way! The young master also said that there was a garden tour in the kindergarten today, so he would come to pick him up an hour later. "

"Mr. Huo, there is no garden tour on campus today." The kindergarten principal said quickly.

At this time, there was a knock at the door. Chen CE went to open it.

Then I found that a girl in her twenties was pulling a little fat child.

"Miss Zhao, what can I do for you?" The headmaster quickly said to Huo Ting, "ah! This is the teacher in my class

The female teacher looked at Huo ting and immediately lowered her head and said, "this is our classmate. He said he saw Huo Chendong in the morning."

Seeing that everyone was looking at himself, the little fat man said loudly, "uncle, are you Huo Dongdong's father?"

The little fat man has a lot of guts.

Huo Ting nodded.

"Huo Dongdong said he would bring me two meat buns, uncle. Would you give them to me for him?"
