Suddenly, Dongdong sneezed.

Su Mian asked anxiously, "won't you catch a cold? You're wearing a little less today. " She said she would take off her scarf and put it around Dongdong.

Dongdong dislikes this scarf. She dodges for a moment and says, "it's OK. It must be daddy who is scolding me."

"Oh, it's possible that you're the most disgusted to skip class!" Su Mianmian said, "you will be spanked when you go back!"

"No! I'm sneaking out of here. Daddy must not have found out. " Said the winter.

"How can I not find out..." Su Mianmian suddenly stops here.

"BAABAA what's the matter?" Dongdong looks up at her puzzled.

"It's over! I forgot to call uncle to report my safety. " Su Mian's cell phone rang as soon as she finished speaking.

She took out a look and made a silent mouth shape towards Dongdong.

"It's your daddy."

Su Mian answers the phone in a weak heart, "Hello, Uncle..."

Huo Ting said coldly, "let Huo Chendong listen to the phone!"

Bad! Uncle was very angry. He even called Dong Dong with his first name and surname.

Dongdong is such a sensitive person. As soon as he sees Su Mian's appearance, he knows that Daddy over the phone is angry. He quickly raises his short leg and runs away.

"Winter and winter, you scum!" Su Mian reaches for it later.

“……” Hearing this, Huo Ting said coldly, "you let him clean his neck and wait for me when he comes back in the evening."

Then he hung up.

QAQ…… The threat from uncle is terrible Winter and winter, please take care!

Su Mian touched his neck and walked towards the place where Dongdong had just run. Just trying to talk to Dongdong, he saw two foreigners standing in front of Dongdong, one with a picture.

All of a sudden, she had a foreboding feeling and ran quickly.

But at this time, Dongdong has been held by a foreigner. Su Mian shouted, "what do you want to do! Do you kidnap children in broad daylight? "

Seeing Su Mian in winter, he cried loudly, "Baa Baa! Baa Baa! "

The two old men saw each other outside, but another came to Su Mianmian and knocked at her back neck.

Where would Su Mian think of it? They are so crazy and dare to do it directly in broad daylight. Su Mian's body is soft, his consciousness is fuzzy and he faints directly.

"Ouch, ouch! Baa Baa is dead, you kill people! " I cry more in winter!

Another person is afraid to attract the attention of the people around him, so he puts out his hand to cover Dongdong's mouth, knocks Su Mian out, picks up Su Mian, and four people quickly get on a car and walk to the airport

On the bus, a man said, "why did you bring this man here?"

"It's more dangerous to keep it. In case someone comes, it's more troublesome Take it back Let the prince decide. "

"What about the child crying all the time?"

"Didn't you take the medicine? Give him one. "

Because they didn't know which dialect they were speaking, Dongdong couldn't understand a word, just guessed that they were plotting how to deal with themselves and baa.

When he saw them stop talking and look at themselves, he knew they were going to start.

He wiped away his tears and said in English, "I don't know why you kidnapped me and my mother, but I will cooperate with you. I hope you don't do anything to us Please... "