Brown's pistol has a range of only 20 meters, so it doesn't do any harm to helicopters, but it will infuriate them.

Huo Zun turned around and scolded, "idiot! Who asked you to do it? "

"I, I......" Brown was startled.

"There are other guns in the back of the car. You need to change them." Huo Zun ordered.

Sure enough, the hamandans were enraged by Brown's attack.

They all said, "boss, shall we prepare weapons?"

"But his highness RAH is in it..." Someone said rationally.

"How about your highness? They are going to attack us... "

"Shut up!" "We have to ensure the safety of his highness RAH. No weapons are allowed to be used!" said the man who was called the chief

The two people who were scolded were unwilling to return a sentence, but they didn't think so.

Among them, the person in charge of helicopter operation stealthily does extra operations when everyone is not paying attention, and the helicopter's head suddenly stretches out an attack weapon.

Huo Zun has been paying attention to it. When he saw the weapon, he swore in a low voice.

He quickly slowed down the car, turned on the autopilot, and said to everyone, "sister in law, in winter and winter, you may drive faster. You remember to fasten your seat belt."

Su Mianmian was shocked and thought, how fast do you want to go?! The speed just now is frightening.

But she knew that she had to listen to Huo Zun now. After all, the current crisis has not been solved. She firmly hugged Dongdong.

Instead, Dongdong was calm. He said, "uncle, can you give me a gun?"

Huo Zun looked at him and said with a smile, "do you remember how to use it in winter?"

"Remember! You taught me when I was a kid. "

"Brown, give Dongdong the gun in your hand, and go to the back to get another one!" Huo Zun ordered.

"OK!" Brown gives Dongdong the gun, as if he only gave a toy gun.

Su Mianmian: "..."

Come on, let's talk about education in winter and winter when the crisis is over.

Because Huo Zun had been on guard for a long time, when the helicopter fired at them, it had left the attack area.

There are several big holes one meter in front of the car.

Huo Zun braked quickly, then made a 180 degree turn and drove to another road.

On a helicopter.

"Stop it! Who allowed you to attack his highness RAH? "

"Since you dare not make a decision, then I will make a decision for you!" Su Mian's attacker winked at the man behind him, and the two behind tied down the man standing at Hamadan's side.

"Let him shut his mouth for a while!" he sneered

"Asshole! Prince Harman will never Well! " He was knocked out.

"Now! There are no obstructionists. Let's attack them! Change weapons! "


But Su Mian here, Huo Zun didn't dare to drive to the open place this time. He drove to the city.

But the helicopter didn't avoid the crowd at all, and closely followed them.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought that it was really not like hamandon's teasing style, but Someone else intervened?!

Asshole! It has been said for a long time that the regime of country D is unstable and even wants to let Dongdong come back!

He did not dare to relax at all while watching the helicopter's direction and made a phone call, which was soon picked up