The phone was soon picked up.

Huo Zun said quickly, "why haven't you come here? I'm afraid I won't last long! "

Because he put it outside, the voice over there was clear.

There are rock songs playing, very lively.

"Trough! Stop your music, I can't hear the sound of the bottle... " The man roared.

The noise over there suddenly quieted down.

Huo Zun said angrily, "I've located my position, and you can roll over to me quickly!"

“…… Good! "

Huo Zun turned to Su Mian and said, "I don't think this car will last long. We will have to get off later."

Su Mian stared at him.

He said, "when winter comes, I will hold you. Don't worry, sister-in-law. I will definitely protect you before brother comes."

Su Mian nodded and said, "what can I do for you?"

"Can you use a gun?" said Huo

Su Mian shook her head.

"Then you can protect yourself and keep up with us." He then turned to brown and said, "Brown, carry the rest of the weapons on your back, and you'll cover!"


After Huo's orders, he finally drove his car into a busy lane. He stopped and said, "get off at speed!"

Su Mian hurriedly ran down and followed Huo Zun closely.

If you go further along this lane, many small merchants are selling their own hand-made products. In country D, this lane is also famous. Many tourists who come to country D will have a look here.

Huo Zun chose to stop here because of this too. He was betting on whether those people would be really crazy and directly attack the masses?!

On a helicopter.

"What to do? They're in a hundred box lane. We can't do it here! "

Baixiang lane is a special street here. Every day, there are many tourists. If they want to make noise here, the people on it will never spare them.

The eldest one of them thought for a while and said, "you guys go down and do it directly. You don't need to care too much."

The implication is that they don't need to live in winter.



After su Mian saw their helicopter turn around and go, he asked, "they are gone, are we safe?"

She wore a headscarf on her head. It was just bought by Huo Zun.

Huo Zun looked at it, shook his head and said, "they may send someone down directly."

"Then what shall we do? Have you been hiding here? " Su Mian asked worried.

At the moment, their position is not so obscure. They may not be seen in the sky, but if they send people down to search the stalls one by one, it will not be long before they are found.

Huo Zun looked at his watch and said, "wait a minute, my man is almost there."

Su Mian hears the words, and has no mind to think about anything more. She holds Dongdong tightly.

Dongdong seems to feel her fear. He reaches out his hand, taps Su's shoulder, and says, "BAABAA, don't be afraid, I will protect you and won't let you get hurt!"

Even children are not afraid! She can't lose to children.

Su Mian quickly cheered up. Looking at Huo Zun, she said firmly, "Huo Zun, can you teach me how to use a gun?"

At least, she should take good care of herself and not delay them!