Su Mianmian slept well in the evening. When he woke up the next day, he felt almost in good health. So he led Huo ting to talk about the discharge.

"Uncle, you see I'm ok. When will I leave the hospital?" Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting looked at her and saw that her face recovered well. Although it was not pink, it was not as pale as yesterday.

"In two days, I'll have another check today." He replied.

Su Mian stared and asked, "what else can I do? I only hurt my arm, and the wound is not deep. I'll be fine in a while. "

"Darling! Be obedient. Don't let me worry. " Huo Ting hands Su Mian the hot towel and says, "you can go back only after you have done all the inspections you need to do."

Su Mian threw the towel away and said, "I'm really OK. Let's get out of the hospital and go back to China. I don't want to be here anymore. Uncle, I'm not used to the food here. I want to go home. "

"I've got a Chinese cook. You can have Chinese food later."

No?! Uncle is so cruel?!

Before going to bed last night, the uncle asked her why she didn't eat. She said she didn't like the food here

Find a chef who can cook Chinese food so soon?

Huo Ting saw Su Mian's shocked expression and couldn't help but feel funny. He reached out and flicked her forehead gently, saying, "I always remember what you said."

Su Mian hurriedly said, "I want to go back to China. Why don't you take me back?"

"Darling, wait another two days." Huo Tingzheng said, and Chen CE knocked on the door with the food in winter.

Huo Ting quickly stood up and said, "you sit first."

Su Mian blinked, always thinking that uncle had something to hide from himself.

After Chen CE came in, he was very clever to see Su Mian's face and said to Huo Ting, "boss, do you want to eat together?"

"How many dishes?"

"Five dishes and one soup, the soup is specially boiled by someone, and many herbs are used." "The chef is a Hong Kong man who has a special study of soup, soup and water, but people in country d don't like to eat such a dish, so he was not invited to go," said Chen, as he put all the food on the table

That's why Chen CE found a Chinese chef so quickly and smoothly in such a short time.

Huo Ting nodded and said, "you did a good job."

Chen CE glanced at Huo ting a little flattered, and cautiously replied, "it's just my business. If boss thinks I'm doing well, he will ask for a raise at the end of the year."

Hearing this, Huo Ting clapped him on the shoulder. Then, he jumped over him and went to eat with Su Mian in his arms.

Chen Qie stood in the same place, pondered for a moment, clapped the shoulder meaning to agree or not to agree?

Dongdong looks at Chen CE's silly appearance and shakes his head and tail.

"Babe, BAABAA, these dishes are what I ordered. You must like them!" Dongdong excitedly said, "in fact, if the time is not so hurried, I can order a strawberry cake, but they haven't finished it yet. I'm afraid that you'll be late, so I'll come back first. What a pity..."

"I'll buy later." Hoting said.

"Really? Dad is better than you! " Winter said happily.