Su Mian is full of food. Huo Ting coaxes him to eat two bowls of soup with strange taste. He refuses to eat any more.

"Daddy, I want to buy cakes." Seeing that the adults have finished eating, Dongdong reminds huoting that he has just promised him something.

Huo Ting looked at the tummy of watermelon in winter and said with a frown, "can you still eat it?"

"Yes! I have two stomachs, one for cake. " Winter said.

Su Mian smelt the words and burst out laughing.

Dongdong and huoting turn around and look at her at the same time. Dongdong toots his mouth and says, "baa, how can you laugh at me?"

"I'm sorry." Su Mian's smile still lingered in her eyes. She said, "Dongdong, when you get home, I'll make you a cake."

"Good!" After Dongdong happily finished, he added, "but I also want to eat today..."

Huo Ting's face was impatient, he said, "I know, you stay here for a long time. I'll buy it for you later."

"Uncle, are you going out?"

"Dad's going there, too."

Su Mian and Dongdong said at the same time.

Huo Ting replied, "I have something to do. Winter and winter, you are not a child now. You are a little adult. Take good care of you here instead of your father. Can you do it?"

Dongdong originally wanted to go with a quarrel. I heard that Huo Ting had arranged a task for himself. He clapped his chest and said, "don't worry, Dad! Make sure you finish the task! "


"I'll be back soon." Huoting said to Su Mianmian, "don't worry, it's OK. It's just to meet with" old friends ". There are some things that must be explained clearly."

Su Mian looked at his face, then guessed that she was going to see Harman Dan. She nodded and said, "then you can do something. I'll wait here with Dong Dong for you to come back."

Huoting nodded, sent several bodyguards to protect Su Mian and left with Chen CE.

After seeing Huo Ting go, Dong Dong blinks at Su Mian's arm. He reaches out to touch it, but he is afraid of hurting Su Mian. He asks, "BAABAA, is your arm very painful?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "no pain, I'll show you."

She said as she untied it for Dongdong.

After seeing it, Dongdong said, "won't you leave scars?"

"No! The wound is not deep, it's just longer, it looks terrible. " Su Mianmian said, "don't worry about winter, it doesn't matter."

Dongdong hears the words, breathes a sigh of relief, and says, "I'm afraid that Baa Baa will make you dislike me."

Su Mian was a little surprised at his words and asked, "why do you think so?"

"Because I hurt you." Winter is a little uneasy than fingers.

The second uncle was beaten by daddy. Although daddy didn't beat him, she would not have been hurt if it wasn't for BAABAA to protect him.

Dong Dong was a little upset when he came here today, but he didn't dare to say when huoting was there. When huoting left, he found a chance to see Su Mian's wound.

Su mianmianmian then wanted to understand what Dongdong was worried about. She reached out her hand to hold Dongdong and said, "honey, you will always be the most important treasure for me and uncle. Even if we are hurt, you will not be hurt. Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with you..."