Dongdong relies on Su Mian's arms and looks very obedient.

After hearing Su Mian's words, he said in a strange way, "of course, I know you love me the most! It's just that I, as a man, hurt my woman, which makes me feel useless! "

Su Mian knew that Dong Dong was embarrassed, so he said it on purpose, she said.

"Honey, you are still young. Now we are protecting you." She reached out her finger and pointed at the tip of Dongdong's nose, saying, "when you grow up, will you protect me and uncle?"

Dong Dong shuddered his nose and said, "of course, no problem. Although dad is not good tempered and always grabs my strawberry cake, I will take care of him when I grow up, because I am a good child."

Su Mian looked at him with a smile and said, "you are wonderful in winter!"

Dongdong lowered his head, and after a while, murmured, "then BAABAA, are you really not angry with me?"

"I'll be angry if you ask me that again!"

Dongdong looks at Su Mian and finally puts down the stone in his heart. He says, "Baa Baa, I like you best!"

"I like you, too!" Su Mian returns.

Winter and winter, I always feel that it is a very happy thing to meet you in my dull life!

I'd like to grow with you all the time, so I hope you can grow happily and don't let unpleasant things interfere with your happy mood


After Huo Ting left the hospital, he drove directly to meet Harman Dan.

Harman Dan was also made one by one and two by Prince Yedan these two days. Nobody expected that Prince Yedan would be so brave. He dared to find someone to fight against Dong Dong when he went abroad to do business.

Yes, hamandan is a man of supreme interests, but in any case, RAH is the only flesh and blood left by his sister.

He hasn't done his uncle's duty for so many years, so he didn't tell Dong Dong about his biological father.

Because he saw the investigation report, Huo Ting regarded Dongdong as his successor in training. After all, he didn't want to make children unhappy.

So when he knew that Prince Yedan had dealt with RAH, he came back immediately!

Fortunately, nothing happened.

If not, he would not have the face to see his dead sister

"Mr. Huo, please take a seat." Hamandon made a good gesture.

Huo Ting looked at him coldly and sat down in front of him. He said, "have you handled the matter?"

The smile on Hamadan's face stopped, and he said, "well, thank you for Mr. Huo's help. I didn't expect that ye Dan's goods were so crazy that they ambushed people beside me..."

"I didn't do it for you." Hoting looked at him coldly.

Hamandon was shot by hoting's cold arrow, and there was a cold sweat on his back.

He reached out his hand to wipe and said, "this time I didn't protect lah, but Mr. Huo, I never suffer from boredom. What Yedan does, I will definitely come back from him a hundred times Don't worry, RAH. I will never let him have such an accident again Yes, this time it was just an accident. "

"Do you think I'll give you a chance to see him again?"

Said Harman, with a change of face.

"Mr. Huo, we have an agreement in hand. At that time, Huo Chen signed an agreement with my sister, as long as the baby was a boy..."