Hamandan came to the table and put the agreement on the table. He said, "this agreement is clearly written in black paper and white. As long as the baby is a boy, then this child belongs to the royal family of our country D. for so many years, I haven't found him. It's also for Salama's sake. Now, it's time for RAH to do his part for his lineage."

"Have you finished?" Hoting asked coldly.

Hamandan replied, "I can understand your idea. You have raised RAH for so many years. You can rest assured that I will pay you financial compensation."

Huo Ting didn't talk nonsense to him, but threw a document to him.

Although hamandon was puzzled by huoting's practice, he opened the document according to his meaning. After a while, his face suddenly changed and he said, "you You are a forgery! "

He never thought that Huo Ting was so crazy that he forged a life experience of winter and winter. However, there were few people who knew about Huo Chen and Salam. Lhasa's pregnant child was "modified" by Huo ting to be born four months later.

In this way, lah does not exist.

Dongdong is not Lahe, Dongdong is huoting's child.

"First, Dongdong is not Lahe, he is my child, always will be."

Harman angrily put the document on the ground, he said angrily, "do you think you can hide the truth from the world by doing this? Just a DNA test will tell if he's your child. "

"I say he is, he is." Hoting said coldly, "besides, do you think I will give you a chance to hurt him?"

Hamandon was immediately stopped. He was stunned and said, "Yedan's incident is an accident. I really don't want RAH to be injured..."

"But he almost had an accident." Huo Ting interrupts him and says, "he has been with me for five years. He has never hurt a hair..."

This is indeed hamandon's negligence, he said, "Mr. Huo, I will help him find justice in the case of RAH's injury, but the matter of RAH's life experience is different from this matter."

"Second, I have signed a five-year trade agreement with the queen."

"What?!" Cried Harman in a low voice.

"Within five years, the handicrafts of country D will be sold in the market of S, which will be free of customs duties."

"You, what you did for RAH..." After hearing this, Hamadan had to be convinced.

He wanted to get RAH back, in large part, because he wanted to secure his successor's status and appeal to the queen. After all, the Queen's health is good, and it is impossible to abdicate in at least ten years.

But Huo Ting's practice can please the queen, and he doesn't have to continue to bite his teeth for RAH to come back

Moreover, in China, lah will be safer.

"Third, you give me the agreement, and within ten years, I guarantee the position of your first successor..."

A large part of the reason why Huo Ting would propose this cooperation is that hamandan didn't tell Dongdong about Huo Chen. No matter what his purpose is, he still has a good will for Dongdong and doesn't want to hurt her children.

This is also the main reason that Huo Ting is willing to cooperate with him.

Hamandon heard Huo Ting say that, where there is anything unclear, he thought several times, and finally said, "happy cooperation!"

He set the agreement on fire in front of Huo Ting