Huo Ting's sudden action scared Su Mian.

She was a little confused. She moved her body and found that Huo Ting was still holding her tightly. She reached out and patted him on the back and said, "uncle, what happened?"

Hoting buried her face around her neck and said, "just let me hold it."

“……” So Su Mian stopped talking. She obediently asked huoting to hold her. Her hand gently patted huoting's back. If huoting had hair, it would be the standard action.

After a while, huoting said, "little sheep, if you touch it again, I'll be furious."

Su Mianmian: "..."

She really wants to say, lie trough! At such a tender moment, uncle, can you stop thinking of being crooked?

"But it's not convenient here. I'll make it up to you later."

If you think about it with your toes, you can guess what "compensation" means in uncle's mouth.

"No thanks." Su Mian refused.

These two people come and go a few words, the ambiguous atmosphere is desalinated a lot, Huo Ting let go of Su Mian, but still hold her in the thigh.

Su Mianmian finds a relatively comfortable position.

"Uncle, where did you just go? I think it's a little strange when you come back. " Su Mian said stiffly, "what can I say directly? Don't do it. I'm really not used to it."

Huo Ting whispered a smile in her ear and said, "I just want to hold you."

In fact, Huo tinggang just saw Su Mian and Dongdong holding each other closely. He Jealous.

However, he didn't want to admit that he was jealous. He was still jealous of a five-year-old child. So he took a small sheep to kill his anger.

After all these reasons, he can't say a word.

Su Mianmian didn't believe a word of his words, and she turned a white eye very domineering.

However, because of the angle, her white eyes turned white, and Huo Ting could not see them at all.

Huo Ting thought about it and told Su Mian selectively what he had just seen Harman.

Su Mian hears him say business, then no longer tangles up just hugs matter.

After a while, Su Mianmian said, "so, Dongdong's life experience will never be mentioned again?" This is very important!

Huo Ting saw that she didn't ask hamandon about her being a sister first, but asked Dong Dong first. He felt that the little sheep really liked Dong Dong.

"Yes, after winter and winter Our children. " He looked at Su's face and said.

After Huo Ting said that, Su Mian was relieved, and she said with a smile, "great! In fact, I'm afraid that Dongdong knows the truth Although it's unfair to Huo Chen, I'm more reluctant to hurt Dong Dong. I think he can understand it. "

"Xiaochen has always been a sunny person. In fact, in winter and winter, she is very similar to him." Hoting said.

Su Mianmian holds Huo Ting's hand on his waist and says, "uncle, we will grow up healthily after winter."

Huo Ting hugs Su Mian.

After a while, Su Mian seemed to think of something. She asked, "by the way, just now you seem to have said, Harman Dan You want me to be your sister? "