Huo Ting looked down and saw Su Mian's blank expression. He couldn't help laughing.

Little sheep and Dongdong have a good relationship. Sometimes they make him jealous.

"You just found out now." He sighed a little.

"Uncle, don't show off. Tell me what's going on." Su Mian took Huo Ting's hand, looked up and asked, "hamandon won't recognize me as a sister for no reason Right? "

"He just wants a chance to be called Uncle by Dongdong."

Su Mian hears the words and immediately understands.

In fact, hamandon's recognition of being a righteous sister is not the point. The point is that if he recognizes being a righteous sister, then Dongdong will have to call his uncle.

It seems that Harman Dan is still very concerned about winter, but why hasn't he looked for winter for so many years?

Su Mianmian asked her questions.

"The royal family is in a mess, the queen is still healthy and will not abdicate in ten years, but the people under her have been ready to move..." Hoting smiled coldly and said, "but those are all allowed by the queen..."

Su Mian was afraid after listening for a while. The Royal water was so deep that those people didn't look like they would let them go.

"Don't be afraid. Nothing will happen again." Huoting hugs Su Mian and says softly, "you have an extra Princess status, which is good for you in the future..."

That's why Huo Ting responded positively.

Su Mian gave a gentle hum and leaned on him. She didn't know if she was a little sleepy because of the answers to all the questions.

Seeing Su Mian yawning, Huo Ting said, "go to sleep. Let's go out for dinner in the evening."

Su rubbed her eyes, and Huo Ting carried her to the bed.

"Sleep." Hoting said.

Su Mian closed her eyes.

He sat and watched for a while, then got up and called Harman.

"Have you made a reservation for the time? I'll stay here for another three days at most... "


For Dong Dong, he doesn't have a bad feeling for Harman. Although he is angry with him for naming himself, it may be the nature of blood. He doesn't dislike Harman, and even has an unspeakable sense of closeness to him.

However, he didn't expect to see Harman and his pet white tiger danman again so soon.

"Lah, come to my uncle's side." Hamandon squatted down, spread his hands toward Dongdong, and made a gesture to welcome him.

But the white tiger Dan man was already shaking his big tail and lying on the floor tile.

Dongdong picked the eyebrows and said proudly, "ah, who is lah? Don't change your name every time you meet, will you? My name is Dongdong. You can call me huochendong. "

Hamandon's eyes flashed a trace of sadness quickly, and he said, "winter, come on! Give my uncle a hug. "

Lah, I can't shout like this any more. Suddenly I feel sad and sad

Dong Dong ignored his sadness and said calmly, "my uncle is in the United States now." He's talking about K.

Hamandan jumped up and said, "your uncle is me! How can you always give up? Pull, winter winter, you say so, uncle is very sad and sad, hurry to give me a love hug! "

Dongdong finds that hamandon's face is not generally thick, much stronger than him, and can't help admiring him.