Su Mian is very rational to think of tomorrow's class, so, cough, it's better to go to bed early.

Otherwise, with her uncle's physical strength, she will not be able to sleep until very late


"Uncle, would you like to take a bath and have a cup of hot tea to calm down?" Su Mian's kind advice.

"No!" Meat to the mouth, what bath to drink what hot tea?

Su Mian was stunned and said again, "why don't you run?" Run thousands of meters, let out that desire, and I guess I'll calm down.

"Why do I have to run late?!" He's not out of his mind, okay?

Put the soft and tender wife not to hold, run to run If he does, will the headline say he won't lift it tomorrow?

Su Mian couldn't help it. She whispered, "I I have classes tomorrow. "

"I know. You said it many times." Huo Ting very gently began to unbutton, he said, "you can rest assured, I will personally send you."

Su Mian reached for his hand and said, "that, only once."

"Once?!" How can it be enough at one time!

Su Mian said firmly, "if not, we'll go to bed now."

Huoting frowns and stares at Su Mian for a long time. Seeing that Su Mian still insists on himself, he has to compromise.

"All right!" Anyway, when the time comes, the little sheep have no strength to resist. It is not the final rule that he has the final say.

Poor Su Mian is a little simple after all. When she saw Huo Ting's promise, she let go.

Seeing her appearance, Huo Ting couldn't help smiling. He lowered his head and kissed her on the corner of the mouth, held out his tongue and licked her lips. Seeing her trembling slightly, he said, "how can you still be so shy after so many times?"

Maybe I'm born skinny.

Su Mian raised her hand to block her eyes and was a little annoyed with huoting's teasing. She said, "uncle, do you want to stop? Why are you talking so much nonsense? Can't you? "

"No?" There was a flash of fire in huoting's eyes. He whispered in Su's ears, "I'll tell you myself, can I do it?"

Su Mianmian: "..."

Bad! It's like saying something wrong!

Is it too late to regret now?


Su Mian couldn't get up the next day. She missed her class in the morning. When she could go out, it was the time when the sun was strongest. It was two in the afternoon.

For this reason, she felt that her teeth were itchy, and wished she could bite a few teeth marks on Huo Ting's body.

What about that one time? Is there any more exercise?

Huoting is full and happy. Su Mian stares at his eyes, which are also regarded as his affectionate love. Meaning.

"Little sheep, I'll pick you up on Saturday." He said.

Su Mian and AO Jiao hummed, thinking, I won't go back this weekend.

Huo Ting is tickled in the heart that she hums, he says, "does the tooth still tickle? Do you want another bite? "

He said, he handed his arm over to Su Mian's mouth, a look that she wanted to bite at any time.

Su Mian is speechless to uncle.

QAQ…… Sure enough, she is more cheeky than uncle!

"Uncle, have you ever heard of a drop of blood essence? You... " After last night, she didn't have the courage to say directly, uncle, you are not young. Do you want to keep your energy?

"So, all my blood essence is for you." Huo Ting said with a smile.

Su Mianmian: "..."

Trough! Don't do any more exercises!