After huoting sent Su Mian to the school, Su Mian said nothing and refused to let him follow him in.

He seems to be really angry at Su Mian. He knows that he had a bit of trouble last night. Little sheep is good at everything, but it's easy to be shy.

He said, "then I'll go."

"Hurry up!" Su Mian reached out and waved.

Huo Ting couldn't help but catch her and kiss her fiercely. Then she let go and said, "if you want, please call me."

Su Mian looked around in horror. Fortunately, it's time for class now. There is no one at the school gate. She was relieved. When she wanted to be angry with Huo Ting, she found that uncle's car had left.

She stood for a while and touched the corner of her mouth before turning back to school.

Although she had been away for only half a month, she always felt that time had passed for a long time when she returned to the familiar dormitory.

Su Mianmian arranges his things. Before long, Bai Jing and Chi Xiaoyuan come back.

"Continuous!" cried Snow White excitedly

She walked up and hugged Sue.

"Hey, I'm back!" Said Su Mian.

"Welcome back." Chi Xiaoyuan smiled innocently.

"By the way, I have prepared presents for you." Su Mian said as she took out the present and handed it to them.

"You are so kind!" Snow White excitedly opened it, and saw a sapphire the size of a child's fist. She was shocked. She swallowed her saliva and said, "how much is this thing worth

Su Mian said with a smile, "do you like it?"

"This is too expensive!" Bai Jing said, "I can't take it."

Su Mian blinked and said, "it's not expensive!"

She went to buy the gem with Huo ting. She didn't know how much it was. The reason why she chose it was because the owner said it could bring good luck.

"How could it not be expensive, such a big gem."

Su Mian hurriedly replied, "it's really not expensive. In country D, such stones are all over the street, not expensive at all!"

In fact, even if it's expensive, she will say it's not


Su Mian nodded forcefully and said, "of course, it's true. If I don't have money to buy a real gem, besides, the shopkeeper said that this gem and stone can bring good luck to people. Besides, they can put it aside when they sleep, which will have a calming effect..."

Su Mianmian has said this, besides, don't be a little affectation.

"Thank you!" Bai Jing said.

Su Mian said with a smile, "you are welcome. We are good friends."

None of them found out. Chi Xiaoyuan seemed to be stopped by something when she saw the gem. She stood foolishly

"By the way, it's continuous. There's a friendship in the evening. Let's go together." Bai Jing said, "it's a good time for you to come back. It's said that the friendship is of high quality. It's the teacher of the law department."

"Ah! Contact! I won't go. " If the uncle knew that she was going to contact, he would peel her skin and eat it in his stomach.

"Why not go? Do you have a boyfriend? " Bai Jing asked.

Su Mian Leng Leng, said, "No."

She's just married.

"That's fine! Well, don't think too much! Let's go in the evening! I'll call elder martial sister first... " Bai Jing called as she said, "Hello, sister, it's me..."