"I won't talk about the past..." Song Qinghuan stretched out her hand to Su Mian's side and said to her in the posture of wall beating, "do you still think I'm a girl when you look at me now?"

Before Su Mian could detect the posture problem, she looked up and said, "you really It's like a man, but I know you're a girl. "

Because there is an example of Bai Jing, Su Mian is sure that Huanhuan is a girl like a boy.

Song Qinghuan was a little sad.

How does Su Mianmian still think so? He's going to laugh and cry. How could she live so big?

Is this too easy to turn?

"I'm not a girl. You can touch my chest."

Su Mian smells the words and reaches out her claws to touch them. After touching them, she looks at Song Qinghuan in shock.

She said with mixed feelings, "did you have an operation?"

Song Qinghuan: "..." He's going to be angry and laughing by Su Mian.

"Huanhuan, why do you..." Su Mian looked around and saw a lot of people, so she lowered her voice. She said, "is it denaturalization? What's wrong with being a girl? "

“……” Song Qinghuan's glasses on the bridge of his nose were all scratched a little. He raised them and said, "I'm not a girl. I've never been a girl."

"No, you are a girl." Su Mian tries hard to recall the past memory.

Huanhuan is a girl, right, a girl.

"Aha! I've always been a boy. " Song Qinghuan said, "when I was a child, my hair was a little long. Maybe that's how you misunderstood me as a girl? However, I remember aunt Su used to call my young master...... "

Aunt Su used to take care of him.

"Yes? I'll think about it later! " Su Mian pushes song Qinghuan away, covering her head and thinking hard.

"Mianmian, do you come to play with the young master again? He's upstairs. Go up and find him. "

"I'm sorry, but the young master is not well today. He can't see the guests."

"Mianmianmian, the young master has gone abroad, and he asked me to bring you a word..."


It seems that Aunt Su once called her "young master" joyfully.


God! The former playmates suddenly changed from cute girls to men. The style of painting changed so fast!

Song Qinghuan saw Su's continuous expression and knew that she remembered. He said speechlessly, "how did you live so big?"

Su Mian looks up and complains, "I didn't know what the young master was when I was a child?! QAQ……”

“…… I've convinced you! Su Mian. " Song Qinghuan's tone is very intimate.

"Forget it, the man is the man! I wanted to take you back to my dorm Let the man go! " Su Mian muttered.

"Why take Cough Take me back to live? " Song Qinghuan asked, "I mean, if I'm a girl."

Su Mian took a look at him and said naturally, "save the accommodation! Anyway, we have an empty bed in our dormitory, but you are a man, of course not! I can't let wolves in our dormitories... "

"You still talk like before!" Song Qinghuan said with emotion.

Su Mian pondered, and felt that this was not like praising her.

"But what do you eat so high? I remember you were shorter than me when you were little. " If not, Su Mian would not misunderstand him as a sister.