"Generally speaking, boys are shorter than girls when they are young, because boys' development period is later than girls' development period." Song Qinghuan seriously replied.

Su Mian heard his familiar tone and said, "I begin to believe that you are happy now, because you speak in the same tone as before."

In the past, if she asked any questions she didn't understand, Huanhuan could always answer them to her, even if she couldn't answer them right away. When Huanhuan found the answer, she would tell her right away.

Song Qinghuan smelt the words and smiled again. He reached out and rubbed Su's head and said, "you still have no change." Still stupid.

Su Mian said with a smile, "Hey, don't rub my hair. It's weird."

"What's the matter?"

Su frowned and said, "it's very stressful! Although I accept your joy in my heart, but your change is too big, I can't accept it physically! So, you'd better not rub my head. "

"If you don't rub it, how can you say so many reasons?" Song Qing said with laughter.

If there are people who know him, they will be shocked by him. Song Nanshen's famous Gao Leng! When did you see him smile?

But since he met Su Mian, the smile on his face never stopped.

Su Mian looked at him and said, "you look better with a smile than a girl."

Song Qinghuan put away his smile.

He has been misunderstood as a girl since he was a child. No one has misunderstood him since his height exceeded one meter eight.

But today Su Mian repeatedly 'emphasizes' that he is like a girl. He is really

If it wasn't for Su Mian, he would have turned over.

He said, "Mianmian, don't say I'm like a girl in the future."

"Ah! I'm sorry. " Su Mian was very close to his heart, and soon understood why Huanhuan said that.

"If you feel sorry, please give me something delicious." Song Qinghuan said.

"Yes! Go! It's on me. " Su Mian patted her chest.


They did not know that they met a strange girl to see, she took a few photos with her mobile phone, immediately made a phone call.

"Coco, I just saw song Nanshen in the square He was with a strange girl, and he was very close Right, right. I won't read it wrong. Don't you believe it? OK, I'll send you the picture right away! You wait... "


"Who?!" Bai Jing stretched out her head painfully from the quilt and shouted, "who is knocking at the door?"

But the knock on the door didn't answer.

"What's the matter? Knock on the door as if you are going to have a baby! Don't knock! " Cried Bai Jing.

"Xiaojing, keep sleeping. I'll open the door." Chi Xiaoyuan climbs down from the bed.

"Really..." Bai Jing mutters, covers her head with quilts and continues to sleep.

Chi Xiaoyuan took a coat and put it on his body. Then he ran to open the door. The door opened and Huo Ting stood in front of him.

"How are you, uncle?" Chi Xiaoyuan said a little surprised.

Seeing Chi Xiaoyuan opening the door, huoting stared at her for two seconds and said meaningfully, "you have changed a lot."

"What?" Xiao Yuan was stunned. Just trying to make it clear, he saw Huo Ting jump over her and come in.