One kiss over!

Su Mian gently pushes huoting away and leans on him to breathe.

She felt Huo Ting's punishment, and her tongue was a bit numb at the moment.

Huo Ting licked the corner of her mouth and said intimately, "do you know you are wrong?"

Su Mian's mind is still confused at the moment. When she heard Huo Ting's question, she replied directly, "what's wrong with me?" Can you blame her for the lack of electricity?

Huo Ting's eyes darkened and he lowered his head and kissed Su Mian again.

Five minutes later, Su Mian pushed huoting away.

Without waiting for him to ask, she immediately said, "uncle, I'm wrong! QAQ……”

On the contrary, Huo Ting is still a little reluctant. He is waiting for the little sheep to say that he is right again!

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Su Mian's face is not good. Can he play happily?

"I shouldn't go out for a drink, and then I shouldn't listen to my uncle's phone. Although my cell phone is out of power, I shouldn't let it go. I should pay attention to its power anytime and anywhere..."

Huo Ting saw Su Mian's mispronounced words were so smooth that he suddenly had nothing to say.

He said, "let you go for a while. Let's go up first."

It's all like this Just for a while?

Su Mian sips her lips and follows huoting unwillingly. She can't help saying, "uncle, my afternoon class..."

"I asked for leave for you. What's the hurry?" Hoting said.

"As a student, the most basic thing is to have a good class every day and be a good student." Said Su Mian.

“……” Huo Ting said, "it doesn't matter if we don't have ideological and moral lessons. You can rest assured that I will help you in the final exam..."

"All right! Please don't do that again! " Su Mian raised her hand and said, "I'll talk about it."

When she got home, Su's sleepiness came up. She yawned and said, "uncle, since there is no class in the afternoon, I'll go to have a nap first." Finish saying, also wait for Huo ting to have what reaction, Su Mian went into bedroom to mend sleep directly.

Huo Ting turns around and follows in.

But maybe Su Mian is really tired. When Huo Ting goes in, Su Mian has slept sweet.

He looked down at her, turned and walked out.

He should take advantage of Su Mian's sleeping time to get busy with his work first. Otherwise, Chen CE and his colleagues will come running in tears.


When Su Mian woke up again, it was dark. She got up abruptly, turned on the light and looked at the time. It was a quarter past six in the evening.

I can't believe I slept for more than four hours.

She rubbed her forehead and thought, is this too sleepy?

Su Mian went out and poured out a glass of water to drink. After drinking, she continued another glass. She drank it up and put down the glass to find Huo ting.

Huoting is busy in his study at the moment. He is having a video conference with people. Su Mian looks at it and carefully closes the door.

It seems that uncle will be busy for a while. They should not go out to eat, even if they can get some food at home.

Su Mian went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to have a look.

Because Su Mian comes here at an irregular time, the food in the refrigerator is available, but it seems that it is not very fresh.

Su Mian decides to go out and buy some food materials.
