Su Mian's community is a new one, but the supporting facilities are very perfect. There is a small supermarket in the community, which can buy almost all the daily necessities and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Because the occupancy rate of the community is not too high now, most of the householders are still decorating, so there are not too many people in the supermarket. Su Mianmian soon bought all the things she wanted to buy, and she is queuing up to pay.

"Eh, aren't you brother Huan's friend?"

A very cheerful looking boy reached out to Su Mian to say hello.

Su Mian pointed to her face and asked, "are you talking to me?" She doesn't know this man?

"Hey! You don't remember? " Zhao Wenyu said, "yesterday, you were drunk and went to the men's toilet twice. How can I persuade you to come out?"

Su Mian smells the words and turns red. She looks around with a guilty heart. Fortunately, there is no one.

She said, "yes, is that the case?" QAQ……

She doesn't drink anymore! It's just like drinking once, there's a lot of black history!

"What am I lying to you for? You don't forget it at all, do you? "

"I don't remember!" Su Mian begged, "I beg you to forget! Don't mention it again! " She doesn't want to remember at all, OK?

"Er..." Zhao Wenyu looked at Su Mian's embarrassed expression and said, "OK, I won't mention it. By the way, do you live here?"

Su Mian nodded. She was not used to people who came to know her. Fortunately, it was her turn to check out. The communication between the two ended temporarily.

After su Mian's account was settled, Zhao Wenyu helped her pick up her shopping bag very gentlely.

"I'll do it myself." Su Mian said quickly.

"You're welcome. I'll take you back." Zhao Wenyu said, "I live here anyway."

Su Mian saw that he had brought up all the things, but he didn't show any affectation and told him the building number he lived in.

"We live in the same building! I'm 901, just downstairs. " Zhao Wenyu said, "but it's strange. I've been living here for half a month. How come I haven't seen you once?"

The guests here are two families on the first floor. Huoting didn't want to meet strangers, so he bought two houses on the tenth floor, but they only lived in one house, and the other one was vacant.

"I usually live in school and seldom go home." Said Su Mian.

"So it is! No wonder By the way, what's your relationship with brother Huan? " Zhao Wenyu's gossip asked, "I rarely see brother Huan Well, I was so excited... "

"Brother Huan?" Su Mian thought for a moment and asked, "do you mean Huanhuan?"

"Happy? Poof! Ha ha ha ha! " Zhao Wenyu burst out laughing with his stomach in his arms. He burst into tears and said, "God! Are you all called brother Huan? You're so bold! "

Su Mian was a little embarrassed by him. She explained, "I knew Huanhuan very early, and I used to call him that when I was a child..."

"When you were little? Do you know brother Huan before he goes abroad? " Zhao Wenyu continued to gossip, "then how do you know each other?"

He's so gossipy, Su Mian can't stand it. Fortunately, their building has arrived, and Su Mian's pace has been accelerated.

(there are four thousand in these two days, which is not cheating. QAQ is often updated after the morning)