Before they parted, Su Mian asked, "by the way, what's your name?" I've just heard so much from him. I don't know his name yet.

"Me? My name is Zhao Wenyu. " Zhao Wenyu replied, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Su Mian." Su Mian returns.

When she saw that the elevator reached Zhao Wenyu's floor, she quickly said, "goodbye!"

Zhao Wenyu is still a little bit reluctant, but when the elevator arrived, he said with regret, "goodbye, I'll go to see you next time I have a chance!"

Su Mian smiled and waved goodbye to him.

When Su Mian returned home, Huo Ting had not finished the meeting.

Uncle, it's really hard!

Su Mianmian then took out the ingredients. She searched several simple tutorials on the Internet, and did them step by step according to the above steps. Half an hour later, the basic shapes of the food came out, and the food was made in a different way.

Huo Ting smelled the fragrance and came out. Seeing Su Mian cooking, he was shocked and said, "Mian, when did you get up?"

He was so busy today that he forgot to call the nanny to come and cook. He also wanted to wake up Su Mian when he was finished. They went out to eat. Unexpectedly, Su Mian finished the meal.

Su Mian stretched out his head and said with a smile, "get up for a while. Go sit down for a while, uncle. You can have dinner in ten minutes."

However, Huo Ting didn't go out obediently. Instead, he came in and leaned against the door and watched Su Mian stir fry.

Su Mian said with a smile, "the lampblack here is very heavy."

"It doesn't matter, I think it's very good here," said Huo ting in a hoarse voice

"All right." Su shrugged and continued to finish the last meal.

Su Mianmian was very attentive when she was doing things. Today, she prepared the Sydney carrot spareribs soup. She downloaded the menu from the Internet. This soup can moisten the throat and clear the lungs. Uncle is so busy and has an afternoon meeting. It's good to drink this soup.

In addition, she also made stir fried meat, sweet and sour ribs, stir fried vegetables, three dishes and one soup, very simple home-made dishes.

Su Mian has tasted the taste. It's OK. After all, it's her first time to make it. If it's delicious, it can't be said, but it's not bad.

When Su Mianmian turned off the fire, huoting, who was standing behind, suddenly hugged her.

Su Mian was startled. She said, "uncle?"

Hoting hugged her, his chin resting on her shoulder, and said, "thank you, little sheep."


"It's a scene I've been waiting for..." Huo Ting said slowly.

Some people cook for him, although it seems very simple, but for Huo Ting, who is lack of maternal love since childhood, it has never been.

He is the eldest, Huo Zhenyuan was often not at home when he was a child, and his mother was not in good health. Their family always ate the food made by the nanny.

Actually, uncle Huo has a girl's heart

Su Mianmian really didn't feel that she had done any great things. Now hearing Huo Ting's words, her heart softened. She said, "uncle, would you like to taste it? I did it for the first time, and I didn't know it was not your taste If you like, I will make it for you whenever I have time. "

"Let me give you another hug." Huo Ting returned.

Su Mian put her hand on the back of huoting's hand, and soft voice agreed.
