"Sister, don't you like to join us?" Su Mian's response to seeing snow white was so great, she guessed her meaning from her language.

"Why?! I'm too late to be happy! " Snow White quickly said, "Mianmian, don't get me wrong! I'm glad song Qinghuan joined the student union. I'm just curious. Cough, how could he join? "

Bai Jing hears the words, can't help turning a white eye, and says, "what else is the reason? Not just because it's continuous. "

"I'm good friends with him, so..." Su Mianmian said two simple sentences about the things they knew when they were little.

After hearing this, Bai Xue said with emotion, "why don't I have such a childhood sweetheart?"

make complaints about childhood sweetheart, and she can't help it. She Tucao, "your sister is beaten by your sweetheart. It's very bad. I guess it will only be revenge. Ah! Sister, you hit me on the head again! "

"Who made you talk nonsense?!" Snow White smilingly finished teaching her sister, turned and gently took Su Mian's hand and said, "Mianmian Xuemei, I knew that when I invited you in that day, I knew that my choice was right! You see, how much did you help the club? "

Su Mian is a little embarrassed. She says, "isn't it so exaggerated?"

"Yes! Don't make a fool of yourself! " Snow White said excitedly, "now, I have a little help. Would you like to help the student sister again?"

white quietly left her mouth, and could not help but Tucao said, "sister, please don't make complaints about it." I'm getting goose bumps! " The witch still has to look like a witch. Don't think she is an angel in white wings?!

Snow White heard, and fiercely kicked white Jing, so that she could no longer make complaints about herself.

She said with a gentle smile, "how do you say it to me?"

Su Mian swallowed saliva and said, "no problem!"

"How lovely!" Snow touched Su's head.



After hearing Su Mian's agreement, snow white put her back.

Song Qinghuan just listened to the introduction of the constitution of the student union by two enthusiastic female students and refused their dinner invitation. At this time, he saw Su Mian coming to him and said with a smile, "do you want to talk to me?"

He would ask because Su Mian's face was full of questions.

Su Mianmian began to talk about song Qinghuan when she was young. This time, naturally, she asked directly, "Huanhuan, are you very famous now?"

"Why all of a sudden?"

"I heard that your microblog is very popular Isn't it? " Asked Su Mian.

Song Qinghuan said with a smile, "I seldom go on, by the way, what is the name of your microblog? I'll pay attention to you. "

"Mianmian is not baa of sheep." Su Mianmian takes out her mobile phone and opens her microblog while she is talking.

"Poof, that's a name for you." Song Qinghuan couldn't help laughing.

"Ah, Hello! Don't laugh at me! " Su Mianmian waited for a few seconds, only to see a man named Mr. Song paying attention to himself. She said, "is your name simpler, OK? Son of the Song Dynasty, what do you want to see

She opened a little and saw that there were 1.28 million fans of Mr. Song. She was shocked.

"Happy, you are welcome!" So many fans are going to catch up with the stars, right?!