Song Qinghuan naturally doesn't care whether his fans are more or less. He quickly points out Su Mian's microblog and reads it, all of which are some forwarding.

"All right." He said quietly.

Su Mian said, "to be honest, did you go to buy fans?"

Her fans are only 95 people, most of them are classmates. Compared with Huanhuan, it's a big difference, isn't it?

"You care about that?" Song Qinghuan asked.

"More fans It's a little enviable. " Su Mianmian said, "Huanhuan, haven't you answered my question?"

Song Qinghuan, hearing the words, smiled again and said, "it's not bought."

"Then why do you have so many fans?"

"I don't know I don't use Weibo very much. " Song Qinghuan sent a micro blog, he @ Mianmian is not sheep baa, there is only one sentence on it, long time no see.

Then Su Mian was immediately rotated, and the microblog's voice of notification kept on going. This microblog was forwarded in a short time, and then Su Mian's fans rose hundreds of times.

She smacked her tongue and said, "I believe Huanhuan, you haven't bought any fans, just, can you delete this Weibo first! I don't want to be so much Cough, your little wives scold! "

The first wife is what song Qinghuan's fans call her.

Song Qinghuan deleted Su Mian's Weibo just now, and then sent another one again.

Please don't disturb my friends! ]

it's a very simple message, but it can be seen that song Qinghuan's maintenance of Su Mian is very amazing. Once this microblog was launched, all the people who just shouted under Su Mian's microblog changed and replied to a sentence, that is

[OK, honey! ]

[OK, honey! +1]

[OK, honey! +10086]

[OK, honey! +ID card]

"..." Su Mianmian feels that she has been opened a big window in the new world.

Trough! This is too obedient, isn't it?! It's really an eye opener for her to enjoy these fans!

"Mianmian, is that what you want to say to me?" Song Qing Huan saw Su Mian was totally off the subject, and could not help reminding him.

"Ah! In this way, the student sister wants you to help recruit new students... " Su Mianmian scratched his head a little embarrassed and said, "you see, our recruitment this year is not very smooth, so, if you can, can you help us publicize it on Weibo?"

"As a good friend, you are not willing to help me with such a small favor, are you?" Snow said.

After su Mian left, Bai Jing told Bai Xue everything she knew, so Bai Xue also knew that song Qinghuan wanted to pursue Mian.

With such good resources available, she will not miss such opportunities.

Song Qinghuan looks at Bai Xue and Bai Jing, and is clear in his heart. He smiles, "no problem, just don't know how I can help you?"

Snow White was so happy to hear that he was so cheerful. She said, "it's very simple! All you have to do is take a photo of yourself and put it on Weibo, then leave a message saying, "you're here waiting for everyone!"

She said that she could not help but get excited. As long as song Nanshen's Micro blog was launched, she was sure that there would soon be a lot of students to join her!

"No problem." Song Qinghuan was very good at talking. He smiled and said to Su Mian, "Mian, can you take a picture for me?"