"Qinghuan, do you have to be so cold to me?" Zeng coco clenched her fist. Her fingernails were deeply in her hands, but she felt no pain at all.

Also, is there anything more painful than her heart?

Song Qinghuan looks at her expressionless, and her eyes are full of impatience.

Zeng coco smiled miserably. She said, "why did you suddenly transfer to H University? Isn't it possible for your major to play a better role in the University of science and technology? " She tried to speak to song Qinghuan in a gentle voice.

"What's the matter with you?" Song Qinghuan replied.

When Zeng coco turned white, she took a deep breath and said, "I just care about you."

"Zeng coco, don't come to me again." Song Qinghuan said cruelly, "it's been ten years. Any effort you make is useless. I won't like you."

"No, Qinghuan! You will like me! " Zeng coco lost her mind, she said loudly, "there will be no more suitable person for you than me. I know you. For so many years, I have been by your side. Although you have not accepted me, you have never resisted me. Why do you drive me away as soon as you return to China?"

Song Qinghuan looked at her coldly and continued to say cruelly, "I'm tired of you."

"No, I don't believe you!" Zeng coco burst into tears. She wanted to hold song Qinghuan, but she didn't have the courage. She knew that as long as she held him, he would become disgusted with himself.

Qinghuan hates any physical contact with others.

"Don't make me look down on you." Song Qinghuan said coldly and then turned to walk up.

Zeng coco fell on the sofa and burst into tears, while the nanny seemed to be used to the scene and didn't dare to say anything. After half an hour, Zeng Coco's mood recovered.

She took out the mirror and made up again. Except for her red and swollen eyes, she could not see the trace of crying.

Zeng coco stood up and said to the nanny who had been waiting, "Auntie, I'll go back first and tell Qinghuan that I'll come to see her tomorrow."

"Oh, yes, Miss Zeng, take a walk." The nanny replied.

After Zeng coco walked out of the gate, he immediately dialed a number.

She said, "last time you said you saw Qing Huan with a girl? You've got a picture, haven't you?! One million, you send me the pictures... "


Su Mianmian returns to the dormitory and finds Chi Xiaoyuan hasn't come back yet.

Chi Xiaoyuan is still recovering from a car accident, so she seldom goes out. Her favorite is to stay in the dormitory and read novels.

Therefore, Su Mian can't help worrying that the house girl will go out, and it's almost ten o'clock, but she hasn't come back.

Su Mian is about to call Xiao Yuan when she hears Bai Jing on the balcony.

"Come and have a look! A man sent Xiao Yuan back. "

Su Mian hears the words and rushes out.

Chi Xiaoyuan is talking to a tall man. They can't see his features clearly from their angle. They can only see that he is very tall and thin. Wearing a suit, he looks like he's not young. He's definitely not a student anyway.

Bai Jing muttered, "I'm the only one who is still a single dog when we go to the friendship."